In this new IEP Policy Paper No. 9 the authors Ljdumyla Melnyk, Magdalena Patalong, Julian Plottka and Richard Steinberg deal with the topic “How the Ukrainian Diasporic Community in Germany Contributes to EU’s Policy in its Home Country”. Civic engagement of Ukrainians for their home country has dramatically increased since the protests on the Majdan in Kyiv started in November 2013. Based on the results of a joined research project on Ukrainian civic engagement in Germany and Poland of the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) and the Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw, the paper presents selected results on the development of a Ukrainian civil society in Germany. Following a mapping of the non-state actors involved and their fields of activity with regard to their support of Ukraine, the paper analyses why people are voluntarily getting engaged and what they are aiming for. Finally, the paper discusses whether these activities contribute to the EU’s policy towards Ukraine and how the EU could further support these actors in order to benefit from their activities.