The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) calls on all Ukrainian communities and friends of Ukraine across the European Union (EU) to unite efforts and join the Embrace Ukraine campaign to demonstrate and loudly voice support for Ukraine’s integration into the EU.
On June 23-24, 2022, the leaders of EU member countries will gather for a summit in Brussels to discuss Ukraine’s application for EU candidate country status. The granting of this status to Ukraine would mean the country’s first step towards full EU membership and would give a start to the process of formal membership negotiations that would also require adopting and implementing the entire body of EU laws and regulations.
“Ukraine belongs in the European family. Ukrainians have long ago demonstrated their commitment to the EU’s fundamental values of respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law. Now more than ever is the time that EU members must make the political decision to grant Ukraine EU candidate status,” stated Paul Grod, UWC President.
“The Ukrainian people have paid a high price over the past two decades fighting Russia’s efforts to block Ukraine’s desired EuroAtlantic integration. Today they are once again sacrificing their lives by bravely defending not only Ukraine, but the whole European continent and fundamental European values in a war against Putin’s imperialism. No other nation in Europe has paid such a high price for its EU aspirations,” Grod stressed.
EU membership is supported by an overwhelming majority (86%) of Ukrainians. Although granting Ukraine candidate status does not bind the EU to any legal or financial commitments, it is a critical step in the process of negotiating EU membership. Today, Ukrainians are even more determined in their will to join the EU.
“A positive decision by the EU on June 23-24 will significantly strengthen the bloc geopolitically. It will also send a clear message to Putin that Europe is united with Ukraine. We urge Ukrainians and all friends of Ukraine across EU countries to voice their support for Ukraine’s integration and demand granting Ukraine EU candidate country status NOW!” Paul Grod emphasized.
Here’s how you can join the Embrace Ukraine campaign:
– Organize or join a public rally in your country (visuals here)
– Write, call and meet with political leaders and government officials (key messages here)
– Lead awareness campaigns on social media (infographics and visuals here)
– Publish op-eds in local media (key messages here)
ACT NOW for the better future of Ukraine!