
Christmas Greetings

#UWC news
December 20,2018 466

On behalf of the Ukrainian World Congress, I would like to express my sincerest greetings to all Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine during this holiday season.   

As the newly elected UWC President, I would like to thank the former leadership of the UWC, in particular the outgoing UWC Board of Directors and immediate Past-President Eugene Czolij for their dedicated work and significant achievements for the benefit of the Ukrainian people.

In late November of 2018, the leadership of the Ukrainian communities from around the world gathered in Kyiv for the XI Ukrainian World Congress, where we developed our plans for the future, modernized and decentralized the UWC structure, and elected a new team to coordinate and provide leadership to the global Ukrainian community.

We understand the great challenges that lie ahead for the UWC. I am confident that together we will be successful in putting an end to foreign aggression and establishing peace on Ukrainian soil. To do so, we must ensure that Russia ceases its military, economic and cultural aggression, as well as its disinformation campaign, returns to Ukraine the illegally occupied territories of Crimea and Donbass region, and releases all political prisoners and hostages. 

We all have a responsibility to help the people of Ukraine build a modern democratic state and achieve their Euro-Atlantic aspirations. For this, we must continue to foster united, organized and influential Ukrainian communities around the world that will continue to develop many generations of conscientious Ukrainians.

As we usher in the New Year, let us be proud of who we are and what we have achieved. With your generous support we will continue to ensure the UWC appropriately represents and serves all Ukrainians both in Ukraine and around the world.

On behalf of the Ukrainian World Congress and my family, Adrianna, Roman, Danylo, Larysa and Olena, I extend my best wishes for peace, harmony a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year.

Christ is Born!                                                            Let us praise Him!



Paul Grod





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