DAY 104

Victory Chronicles
-DAY 104

June 6,2022


Since the last enemy offensive in Severodonetsk last week, Ukrainian forces have been steadily pushing back and taking more of the city.  While the situation is fast-changing, the Ukrainian military reports that as much as eighty percent of the city is under Ukrainian control. Photo via Moscow Times.


Ukrainian President Zelensky visited frontline troops near Severodonetsk.  He reported that fighting is street by street and there are thousands of citizens sheltering in the rubble of the mostly destroyed city.  Meanwhile, the tiny Kremlin despot threatened to strike new targets because he is mad about Western supply of longer-range artillery systems.

Military analysts paint a familiar picture in the battle for Severodonetsk.  Russian forces rely on distant unguided shelling to force a Ukrainian retreat, then lack the capability to move forward and take control.  Ukrainians have shown they are masters at urban warfare, outperforming the enemy consistently. 


Another Russian general was killed near Popasna while UK military intelligence said that Russia has suffered devastating losses among mid- and junior-officer ranks.  It is well-known that Russia’s military is top-down authoritarian giving soldiers in the field little authority to react to current conditions.  The gutting of enemy officer ranks will take years if not a generation to rebuild


Residents of the capital were awoken Sunday morning by explosions of at least five missiles in two left-bank (eastern) districts.  Although the target areas are overwhelmingly residential, Ukrainian sources said the cruise missiles were sent to destroy railroad infrastructure. A railcar repair shop was badly damaged although enemy propaganda reported the destruction of Western-supplied materiel. 

Photo via Dnevnik .



The office of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine released a table summarizing Russian war crimes tracked to date showing almost 16,000 war crimes including crimes of aggression, crimes against national security, treason by Ukrainian collaborators and crimes against children. 


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