DAY 112

Victory Chronicles
-DAY 112

June 15,2022


Above: People living in Mariupol these days have no source of information except for Russian propaganda blasted on mobile street projectors.  Photo via Telegraph

  • Advisor to Mariupol’s Mayor Petro Andryushchenko reported that Russia is building a case for its coming show trial of Mariupol defenders based on falsified evidence. The basis of their wholly false story is that nazi Ukrainian forces destroyed Mariupol, killed civilians and didn’t allow civilians to evacuate. They are coercing statements from residents in exchange for money, food, freedom and physical safety.


Above:  Russians typically fire on and mine humanitarian corridors.  Photo via Los Angeles Daily News

  • Enemy invaders said they will stop incessant shelling to open a humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of civilians in Severodonetsk to Russian-occupied territory in Luhansk.  It will be recalled that Russia made numerous false promises in Mariupol, bombing and mining so-called safe corridors over a number of weeks. Russian propaganda channels are framing it as a rescue operation for hostages held by Ukrainian nazis.
  • While waiting on the arrival of long-range artillery to drive the enemy back, Ukrainian forces are demonstrating superhuman capabilities by holding back the enemy on three sides of Severodonetsk.  According to Luhansk Governor Serhiy Haidai, “It’s getting harder, but our military is holding back the enemy from three sides at once. They are defending Severodonetsk and are not allowing advance to Lysychansk…The enemy is weaker in street battles, so it opens artillery fire, which destroys our homes and peaceful villages.”


Above: Left to right, NATO secretary Jens Stoltenberg, Dutch PM Mark Rutte, Denmark PM Mette Frederiksen and Belgium PM Alexander de Croo after a special meeting of seven of Ukraine’s strongest allies in the Hague on Tuesday. Photo via APNews

  • On June 14, the day before the 3rd Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in Brussels, NATO General-Secretary Jens Stoltenberg agreed that Ukraine should have more heavy weapons now. Mr Stoltenberg held a press conference following a meeting with seven EU NATO countries including Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Romania, Latvia, Portugal and Belgium. Mr Stoltenberg said that NATO is already increasing deliveries, but provided no details.
  • Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte commented at the press conference, “In terms of weaponry, we stand united here that it is crucial for Russia to lose the war. And as we cannot have a direct confrontation between NATO troops and Russia, what we need to do is make sure that Ukraine can fight that war, that it has access to all the necessary weaponry.”
  • The third meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group is taking place today in Brussels.  The meetings are chaired by US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and attended by almost fifty countries to discuss and coordinate military assistance to Ukraine.
  • Ukraine is pleading for more weapons ahead of the NATO summit in Madrid on June29-30. NATO has confirmed that President Zelensky is expected to attend the summit.

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