October 4,2023

Victory Chronicles-DAY 588

Russians likely down their Su-35 near Tokmak themselves

The UK Ministry of Defence considers the report that the Russians downed their own Su-35 fighter jet over Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, at the end of September very plausible.

UK intelligence said Russian air defense forces “highly likely” downed their own Su-35 aircraft over Tokmak on 28 September, and its loss is an unusual event because it is the most advanced model of Russian combat aircraft and, perhaps, only the fifth case of a Su-35 loss.

UK intelligence also noted that Tokmak, located 20 km from the line of contact, is a heavily fortified place, often the main command post of the front section is located there.

“These headquarters would typically be protected with dedicated short and medium-range air defense systems. These are almost certainly held at very high readiness, as Ukraine continues to conduct effective deep strikes against such locations,” UK MoD intelligence update on Twitter on 4 October.


Symbolic number of the Day


The Ukrainian side estimates that Russia has lost around 450 military personnel, 47 artillery systems, 13 tanks, 18 armored combat vehicles, and 41 UAVs in the war against Ukraine over the past 24 hours.


War in Pictures


The fighters of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade have overcome the psychological obstacle course, which is one of the elements of admission to the Oath of the Marine. This is stated in the message of the Public Relations Service of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade named after Rear Admiral Mykhailo Bilynskyi.

Video of the Day

The Russian army hits a residential area on the outskirts of Kherson with a guided missile. Today, the Russian army hit a residential area on the outskirts of Kherson with a guided missile. The attack destroyed 7 houses and trapped civilians under the rubble. Rescuers pulled two people out of the rubble, one person was without signs of life. The rescued woman was handed over to doctors. The fire that started in a residential building and an outbuilding after the hit was extinguished.


ISW report


A Reuters report published on October 3 stated that Russian forces have embedded “Storm-Z” units within conventional Russian units to conduct costly counterattacks against Ukrainian gains in key sectors of the front. Reuters reported that the Storm-Z units are composed of 100-150 personnel, including both civilian penal recruits and Russian soldiers under punishment, are embedded within conventional Russian military units, and deploy to the most exposed parts of the front.

Reuters estimated that Russia has currently deployed at least several hundred personnel to the front line in various “Storm-Z” units. Reuters interviewed multiple Russian soldiers, including fighters in “Storm-Z” units, which the Russian military command reportedly views as lesser than conventional military units. The Russian soldiers told Reuters that the Russian military command sends Russian soldiers to serve in the “Storm-Z” units after they commit acts of disobedience, including insubordination or drinking alcohol. 

Reuters reported that the Storm-Z units have sustained heavy losses, and one soldier embedded in the 237th Guards Air Assault Regiment (76th Airborne [VDV] Division) reportedly stated that his “Storm-Z” unit of 120 personnel lost all but 15 personnel while fighting near Bakhmut in June 2023. The Russian MoD has never formally confirmed the existence of the “Storm-Z” units, and ISW first reported on the existence of these “Storm-Z” units in April 2023.


War Heroes

Sergeant Pavlo Basalaev, with the call sign Marine, died on July 12, 2023, while performing a combat mission near the village of Pryiutne, Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Exactly two months before, the fighter turned 34 years old.

Pavlo was born in the village of Mariivka, Zaporizhzhia Oblast. He graduated as an electric and gas welder from Zaporizhzhia Vocational School. He worked at Zaporizhstal Iron and Steel Works. During the full-scale Russian invasion, the man joined the ranks of the local terrorist reconnaissance unit. He served in the 110th separate territorial defense brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He commanded a mechanized platoon.

“My brother was a very kind and honest man. He always came to the aid of everyone who needed it. He loved life very much and was looking forward to the birth of his son. He was very fond of children, his nieces and nephews, who also loved him very much. When he received a call-up, he did not hide and immediately went to the military commissariat. Since 11.03.2023, he has been defending our country. He was the best big brother and the best husband to his wife. We will always love him because he was the best,” said Olga Antipova.

The defender was buried in his native village. At home, Pavlo is survived by his pregnant wife (due this month), a son born in 2022, and other relatives and friends. 


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