
ECU warns about the emergence of questionable pro-Ukrainian organizations

March 24,2023 854
ECU warns about the emergence of questionable pro-Ukrainian organizations

The European Congress of Ukrainians published a statement in which it warns about a new trend of the emergence of organizations that claim to be Ukrainian or pro-Ukrainian but whose goals are not clear and leaders are unknown.

“Such organizations present themselves as a ‘united Ukrainian diaspora structure,’ often demanding to fund their activities,” the statement reads.

As an example, the ECU mentions the “World Diaspora of Ukrainians in Support of Refugees” (Diaspora Mondiala Ukrainenilor in Sprijinul Refugiatilor), which is active in Moldova.

In response to requests from its members, the European Congress of Ukrainians informs that the “World Diaspora of Ukrainians in Support of Refugees” is not part of the ECU, and the Congress is unaware of the organization’s purpose and mode of operation.

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