
Holodomor Descendants’ Network invites participants for study on Holodomor impact

September 5,2024 654
Holodomor Descendants’ Network invites participants for study on Holodomor impact

The Holodomor Descendants’ Network is extending an invitation to Ukrainian Americans, particularly those born or raised in the United States, to participate in a scholarly research study examining the enduring impacts of mass artificial famines. This study is run by Brent Bezo at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. 

This study is the first to explore the transgenerational impact of the Holodomor among Ukrainian-Americans, with findings to be shared with the Holodomor Descendants Network,” the text reads.

Who can participate: Children of Holodomor survivors, who were born in the United States or outside Ukraine and immigrated to the USA before age 5; grandchildren of Holodomor survivors, who were born in the USA; and a control group of Ukrainian-Americans with no familial ties to Holodomor survivors, who were born in the USA or immigrated before 1963 and spent most of their childhood in the USA.

Your responses are anonymous and stored securely. Participation is voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time. The study is approved by the Carleton University Research Ethics. Your participation can help deepen our understanding of historical impacts on current and future generations,” assures the Holodomor Descendants’ Network.

You can take the survey via the provided link.

The Global Holodomor Descendants Network was established by the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) at the initiative of the UWC International Coordinating Committee for Holodomor Awareness and Recognition. More information can be found on the Network’s page.

Cover: Shutterstock

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