
Kuleba: We’ve started talks on the Patriots with the Germans

December 2,2022 588
Kuleba: We’ve started talks on the Patriots with the Germans

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told Polsat News that Kyiv supports the Polish idea to deploy the Patriots in Ukraine and has already “started talks with the Germans on this subject.”

Below is a full translation of Kuleba’s interview with Polsat News:

Agnieszka Laskowska: Mr. Minister, what do you think about the dispute that we have in Poland with Germany about the Patriot system and where it should be deployed?

Dmytro Kuleba: We support the Polish idea to deploy the Patriots in Ukraine, because this is the best way to protect not only Ukraine but also Poland and other European and NATO countries. We have started talks with the Germans on this subject. We’ve raised these issues with the United States, because they own the Patriot technology. I also use meetings of NATO and OSCE ministers to talk to anyone who can help us make positive decisions regarding the delivery of Patriots to Ukraine.

I heard the German economy minister say that, of course, the West should arm Ukraine, but at the same time he has some doubts because these weapons will kill people, kill Russian soldiers. What do you think?

Who said that? Robert Habeck?


First, Mr. Habeck is a good friend and has proven over the past nine months that he is doing everything he can to help Ukraine win this war against Russia. Second, I don’t know the exact context of his words, but we already got a lot of weapons from Germany that help us … yes, kill the Russians who invaded our country. It is a right protected by the U.N. Charter to annihilate an enemy who has invaded you, who has committed an act of aggression. So I doubt that Robert is against supplying arms to Ukraine.

No, no. He is not against it, but says that he is the one who signs the decisions on arms deliveries and therefore feels responsible for it.

Yes, but by this logic, if people do not make such decisions, then even more Ukrainians will die, be raped, tortured and killed by the Russian occupation army. We must be consistent in analyzing this situation. If anyone has any doubts that weapons are used to kill Russians who attacked a sovereign state and commit mass crimes, then they should also admit that by not giving weapons they are helping the Russians who attacked Ukraine to kill, torture and destroy our country, Ukrainian civilians. Let’s be consistent in our analysis.

Mr. Minister, one more question, what is the current situation in Ukraine, what about the supply of energy and water to Ukrainian homes?

We are talking just as my assistant informed me that the air alert sirens sounded in Ukraine, so there is a risk of another missile attack. This is our everyday life, we learned to live under Russian missiles, now we are learning how to live without electricity and water supplies. It’s very difficult, especially in the middle of winter – this is evidence of genocide being committed by Russia, but we know how high the stakes are and we will deal with it. It will be painful, but we will survive all these difficulties and of course it will be easier for us if our friends, including Poland, continue to help.

Mr. Minister, I am waiting for our next meeting, I hope it will be soon and you will tell me that Ukraine is free, independent and ready for reconstruction.

You come to Kyiv and I will tell you there.

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