
Oleksandra Matviichuk to global Ukrainian community: We need to do more – develop strategies and build connections

June 20,2024 460
Oleksandra Matviichuk to global Ukrainian community: We need to do more – develop strategies and build connections

During her tour of Canada, Oleksandra Matviichuk, the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, emphasized in an interview with Ridne Radio Ottawa that Ukrainian communities abroad should now concentrate on strategic activities to benefit Ukraine amid the prolonged war. She highlighted the importance of building connections, developing deep expertise in particular areas, and achieving success.

“I thank the Ukrainian community in Canada very much for your tremendous work. I always say that Ukrainians abroad are a lifeline. Russia is trying to drown us, and you are keeping the entire country afloat. Therefore, huge thanks and a call: we need to do more. We need to do more because we are entering a phase of long-lasting war, which means producing strategies, building connections, developing expertise, and achieving success,” Matviichuk said.

International support is especially important, Matviichuk emphasizes. “We are facing a huge problem – a full-scale war. Russia is a powerful military force, a country with a veto power in the UN, possessing nuclear weapons, and a population of 140 million. And, of course, we need international support to withstand the blow and push Russian troops beyond our borders. A lot is being done and needs to be done in the military, diplomatic, legal, and informational fields. Canada and other countries are very important to us because it’s difficult to fight such an enemy alone,” the expert added.

Russia ignores all norms of international law, so it is important to remember that established legal mechanisms no longer work. “I will just remind you that in 2022, the International Court of Justice ruled and ordered an immediate cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of troops from Ukraine. And Russia ignored the decision of the International Court of Justice, which we could talk about back then. But we cannot fold our hands; we must fight for our children because children are the future. That’s why Russia is taking them out and re-educating them as Russians. Canada is a leader in the coalition, and Canada can initiate many things that will be synchronized and done by the countries in this coalition,” Matviichuk emphasized.


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