
Putin is a war criminal and must be brought to justice! Sign this petition!

#UWC news
March 1,2022 722
Putin is a war criminal and must be brought to justice! Sign this petition!

Your signature is needed to bring a war criminal to justice! A coalition of Ukrainian civil society organizations, including the Ukrainian World Congress, the largest association uniting Ukrainians worldwide, Free Ukraine Resistance Movement, Human Rights Watch and many others have launched a global petition calling for an international tribunal against Putin for the war crimes that are being and have been committed.

“Vladimir Putin has already earned the title of a war criminal. He has committed violent war crimes, crimes against humanity and threatened genocide against the Ukrainian people. He is the single largest threat to humanity and global security today. He has threatened nuclear war,” said UWC President Paul Grod.

Today, all citizens of the world can STAND WITH UKRAINE and help bring the criminal Vladimir Putin to justice. By signing this global petition, you can voice your outrage and support the Ukrainian people. You can stand with justice and tell world leaders they must bring this dictator to the International Criminal Court in the Hague to answer for his crimes.

Putin must be stopped.  Putin must be punished.

The petition aims to collect 10 million signatures from across the world to send a strong message of support to all the Ukrainians on the ground and to add still needed pressure on our governments to start the legal proceedings at the ICC.

We urge all citizens of the world to support this appeal and spread the message! We call on all media outlets to share the news far and wide!

Today, Ukraine and Ukrainians are fighting not just for their own freedom and sovereignty, they are protecting us all from a dictator who wants to threaten us all with global instability.  The world of Vladimir Putin and his Russia is about war crimes again peaceful people and women and children.  It is about forcing subjugation and killing the innocent.  There is no freedom in Putin’s view of the world.

Ukrainians and all who support Ukraine throughout the world ask citizens of every country to sign this petition and demand that their government and leaders STAND WITH UKRAINE and bring the war criminal Putin to justice.



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