
Remembering the day of dignity and freedom

#UWC news
November 21,2020 1284
Remembering the day of dignity and freedom

7 years ago, on this day,  the people of Ukraine stood up in defence of their will to live freely in a democracy that respects the choice of the people. This day, which began a spiral of events leading to the Revolution of Dignity with tragic consequences, is now marked as the Day of Dignity and Freedom.

On November 21, 2013, precipitated by the refusal of the Yanukovych regime to sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, the peaceful protest was answered by authorities with violence spurring the country to rise up in mass demonstrations.

Global Ukrainian communities did not stay aside. Ukrainians staged rallies in support of the Revolution of Dignity and Freedom, Euromaidans in European capitals, in the cities of Canada, the United States, Australia, Asia, and Oceania. They shared the truth about the Yanukovych regime, and UWC leaders became the voices of the free Ukrainian people.

The fight for freedom that began 7 years ago today continues as the hybrid war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine persistently claims the lives of brave soldiers and innocent civilians alike, and a rampant disinformation campaign aims to discredit Ukraine and its people.

“The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) pays tribute to those who took a stand in defence of the Ukrainian people’s right to live in dignity and freedom, and to those who continue to stand on the frontlines of this modern-day war refusing to allow Ukraine to once again be pulled under the yoke of a foreign aggressor,” stated UWC President Paul Grod. “We urge the international community to remember the sacrifices made by the Ukrainian people in the name of global peace and security, and remain steadfastly on the side of the Ukrainian people.”

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!

Image by: Norbert K Iwan

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