
Stop Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine!

#UWC news
February 24,2022 689
Stop Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine!

Russia declared an open and unprovoked war against Ukraine, launching a full-scale multi-pronged invasion in the early hours of February 24, 2022. The Russian Armed Forces are shelling peaceful cities, bringing death and terror to Ukraine and to the whole European continent in an attempt to subjugate Ukraine to Moscow’s imperial rule and deprive Ukraine of its sovereignty.

The Ukrainian World Congress calls on the international community to stop Kremlin’s premeditated atrocious war against Ukraine, against Europe and against international rules-based order. We urge all peace-loving nations to act with unity and resolve now and support Ukrainian peoples’ right to statehood and independence.

Specifically, UWC urges allies to

1. Immediately enact full sanctions on Russia, including removal from SWIFT
2. Immediately provide weapons and military equipment for Ukraine
3. Censure Russia from all international organizations, including the UN, Council of Europe and OSCE
4. Ban Russian ships from Western ports
5. Provide financial and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine
“Ukraine’s Armed Forces and the people of Ukraine are courageously fighting Russian invasion. Ukrainians will resist and the world must stand with Ukraine against the aggressor. Glory to Ukraine. Glory to Her Heroes” – stated Paul Grod, UWC President.
Слава Україні! Героям Слава!
#StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression


UWC urges all Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine to
• Immediately write to your respective governments and elected officials calling to stop Russia’s war and support Ukraine
• Host immediate public rallies in support of Ukraine
• Share the truth about Russia’s war against Ukraine with the media in your country
• Boycott all Russian goods and services

Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Media Contact: Oksana Sikora [email protected],   +380 67 441 4709

Media contact for UCC canada Ihor +1 (613) 295-0878


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