
Summary from the General Staff for June 14

Summary from the General Staff for June 14

Active hostilities are currently underway in four directions: Kharkiv near Rubizhne, Slavyansk in the Krasnopil region, Bakhmut near Vrubivka and Severodonetsk, according to the General Staff.

In the Kharkiv direction, enemy units with the support of army helicopters tried to prevent further advance of Ukrainian troops towards the Russian border.

In the Slavyansk direction, the enemy is focused on continuing the offensive towards Slavyansk.
Ukrainian soldiers successfully repel enemy offensives in Severodonetsk and Toshkivka.

“Ukrainians are warriors with big hearts. They also help wild animals that suffer from russian shelling. Such a nation will not be defeated by russian invaders.” – General Staff of the Armed Forces

After more than a month of fierce fighting, Russian troops now control most of Severodonetsk, according to British intelligence.
Russian artillery caused significant damage to the entire city of Severodonetsk. Armed Forces of Ukraine defenders and several hundred civilians are sheltering in underground bunkers at the Azot chemical plant in the city’s industrial zone.

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