
Taras Shevchenko – 210: event announcements in your country

#UWC news
March 6,2024 2049
Taras Shevchenko – 210: event announcements in your country

This year marks the 210th anniversary of the birth of the prominent Ukrainian poet, artist, and public figure Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko. A series of events are planned in Ukraine and beyond its borders to commemorate this significant date. The Ukrainian World Congress has compiled a list of events in Ukrainian communities abroad.

Virtual events

The World Federation of Ukrainian Women Organizations (​​WFUWO) will host a discussion, analysis, and the unveiling of new pages of Taras Shevchenko’s creativity as part of the celebration of the 210th anniversary of his birth. The event will take place online on March 10. You can join using the following link.

“Special guests include Ukrainian literary scholar Vasyl Pakharenko, a poet, translator, publicist, doctor of philological sciences, professor at the Department of Ukrainian Literature and Comparative Studies at Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Cherkasy National University, and publisher Oleksandr Tretiakov, who will share their research and impressions of the life and work of the poet,” wrote WFUWO.


Ukrainians in Australia, particularly the Ukrainian community in Victoria, will celebrate “Sviato Shevchenka.” The event will take place on March 17 at 14:00 at the Ukrainian Hall, 3-11 Russell Street, Essendon.


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Допис, поширений Assoc. of Ukrainians in Vic (@assoc_ukrainians_vic)


The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) is organizing a “Shevchenko Concert.” The event will take place on March 10 at 15:00 at the Assumption Church Hall (704 6th Street NE Calgary). “Bring your friends and family, and join us to delve even deeper into Ukrainian culture. Entrance is by donation to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Calgary branch,” wrote the UCC.

На зображенні може бути: 1 особа та текст «боритеся- поборете/ вам бог помагае/ за вас правда, за вас слава I воля святая! шевченквський концерт March 10th 10-го березня 2024 15:00 Зал успення пресвятой богородиц Assumption Church Hall 704 6th Street NE Calgary»

A Shevchenko concert will also take place in the Canadian province of Alberta. The event is scheduled for Sunday, March 10, at the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex. “Taras Shevchenko was a genius and a prophet of the Ukrainian people. And although 200 years have passed since the day he was born, the significance of this figure and his words have not diminished at all,” wrote the organizers.

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In Toronto, a performance by the Canadian Bandurist Capella, titled “Word of Taras – The Poetry of Taras Shevchenko,” is scheduled for March 10. “Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear a flowing programme of music written to Shevchenko’s poems, featuring both new and traditional musical arrangements and accompanied by the sound of Ukraine’s national instrument – the bandura. Like the Ukrainian nation and its soul, the word of Taras will not die and will not perish,” wrote the organizers.

Another Ukrainian event is being planned and prepared in the Canadian city of Berry. “We invite all to honor the memory of the Ukrainian prophet and kobzar Taras Shevchenko on the day of his birthday, March 9, from 2 to 4 pm. Event location is Berry City Library downtown Angus room. What to expect: we will remember Kobzar, his creativity and destiny, recite poems, sing songs on his poems,” wrote the organizers.


The Ukrainian community in Chicago will host an “UnKNOWN SHEVCHENKO” event. “We invite you to immerse yourself in the times of the father of the Ukrainian nation, whose strength goes beyond poetry. You will discover who Taras was in life, hear exceptionally interesting facts we weren’t taught at school. There will be plenty of humor, debunking stereotypes and clichés, cool photos, music, poetry, and art,” states the announcement. The event is scheduled for March 10 at the Ukrainian Cultural Center. Details can be found at the following link.


Ukrainians in Hungary are also planning an event dedicated to Shevhenko’s birthday anniversary.


The National Congress of Ukrainians in Moldova invites you to “Shevchenko Days.” The event will take place at the Ukrainian House in Chișinău on March 11 at 15:00. “We are delighted to present an exciting program specially designed for children from Ukraine aged 6 to 8. Join us for an unforgettable day filled with culture and creativity!” as stated in the announcement. You can register for the event at the following link.


The Central Union of Ukrainians in Germany (Zentralverband der Ukrainer in Deutschland, ZVUD) has planned a literary and artistic event for March 16. “Dear friends! It has become a tradition that Ukrainians around the world consider March the month of Shevchenko! Therefore, as part of the presentation of Antonia Tsvit’s book “Secrets of Taras Shevchenko,” the ZVUD invites you to an interesting literary and artistic event on March 16, 2024, at 15:00. Where: Pangea House, Trautenaustr. 5, 10717 Berlin. U9 Günzelstrasse,” wrote the organizers.


The Ukrainian Cultural Society “PROSVITA” in the Argentine Republic will host an intellectual event in celebration of the anniversary of Kobzar’s birthday.


In Curitiba, Brazil, there will be a lecture by Brazilian lawyer, translator, and civic activist Mariano Czaikowski about the life of Taras Shevchenko.


The Peruvian-Ukrainian Association will host a literary and creative evening. “The event will take place on Thursday, March 7, at 6:30 PM at Calle Cantuarias 160, Miraflores, Puku Puku cafe,” the organization announced. The community has also created a video where Ukrainians performed Taras Shevchenko’s “Dumy moi, dumy”.


Ukrainians in Lebanon will hold an event in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, “our indomitable warriors, one of whom, our genius Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko, was born 210 years ago for the Victory of Ukraine. Let’s remember his words, poems, and works.” The event’s schedule and details can be found at the following link.

The Netherlands

Ukrainians in the Netherlands will hold “Shevchenko Days.” “This year, children from the Children’s Artistic and Creative Association IDEA have prepared a political poem-mystery by Taras Shevchenko, “The Great Abyss.” … Therefore, this Sunday, March 10, at 6:30 PM after the Divine Liturgy at the UGCC Church of the Holy and Lifegiving Tree of the Lord, we present to your attention the poem-mystery “The Great Abyss,” organizers wrote.


In Türkiye, a series of events are also planned.


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Допис, поширений Vita Mykhaylova (@vitamykhaylova)


On March 10, Ukrainians in Spain will hold a poetic and musical event “Taras Shevchenko. 210 years”.


Ukrainians in Estonia will hold the evening “Do you know Shevchenko?”. The event will take place on March 9 in Tallinn. Details are at the link. Also, the Ukrainian community of the city of Narva is organizing an evening that will take place on March 9 at 1:00 p.m. in the People’s House at Kreenholmi 25.

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