
Ukrainian World Congress announces #UkraineInNATO global advocacy campaign

#UAinNATO#UWC news
June 25,2024 779
Ukrainian World Congress announces #UkraineInNATO global advocacy campaign

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) is launching an ongoing advocacy campaign, #UkraineInNATO, and invites all Ukrainian communities, organizations, Ukrainians, and friends of Ukraine worldwide to participate in this initiative.

The UWC advocacy campaign aims to bolster support for Ukraine and advocate for an invitation to join NATO, under the slogan “Make NATO Stronger — Invite Ukraine.”

In anticipation of the 75th anniversary NATO Summit, to be held in Washington, D.C., from July 9 to 11, 2024, the UWC is urging the leaders of NATO member countries to extend an invitation for Ukraine to join the Alliance.

“Inviting Ukraine to join NATO is in the best interest of the Alliance itself, as it will strengthen Euro-Atlantic security and send a signal of unity and determination to all autocracies worldwide. It is the best investment in strengthening the Alliance’s security and military capabilities and the most effective mechanism to end and prevent the worst war and humanitarian catastrophe in Europe since World War II,” stated UWC President Paul Grod.

As part of the UWC campaign “Make NATO Stronger – Invite Ukraine,” various activities are planned across all 32 NATO member countries, including:

  • High-level meetings with influential political and community leaders;
  • Large public rallies in all NATO member countries;
  • Special events within government and expert circles. 

The UWC is committed to ensuring that allies exhibit leadership and unity during the Washington Summit, thus advancing Ukraine’s path to NATO membership. Campaign materials and detailed information will soon be available on the UWC website, so please stay tuned for updates.

Cover: Olena Holovatenko

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