
Ukrainian World Congress Appeal

#UWC news
June 7,2017 203

Celebrating 50 years in support of Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora

The Ukrainian World Congress is proud to be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2017 marking five decades of being the voice of the Ukrainian people within the international community.

In 1967, the Congress of Freedom united Ukrainians from 17 countries into a powerful voice of resistance to the totalitarian regime of the Soviet Union and created the World Congress of Free Ukrainians which, following the Proclamation of Ukraine’s Independence in 1991, was renamed the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC).

The UWC objectives have always been clear. In 1967 it was the renewal of an independent Ukrainian state. In 2017 it is the continued development of a democratic and prospering state. Concurrently the UWC actively promotes the rights and interests of all Ukrainians wherever they may live.

Throughout its 50-year history, the mission of the UWC has always been guided by the aspirations of the Ukrainian people.

During the Cold War, the UWC actively stood in defence of the human and national rights of the Ukrainian people and engaged the cooperation of international human rights organizations.

During the Orange Revolution, the UWC and its member organizations deployed over 2,500 international observers to Ukraine to monitor the elections.

During the EuroMaidan and the Revolution of Dignity, the UWC and its network mobilized the international community to condemn the disregard for the fundamental human rights of the Ukrainian people.

During the ongoing hybrid war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the UWC has engaged the international community, including the United Nations, European Union, NATO, OSCE and Council of Europe, in taking concrete action to support Ukraine, including sanctions against the Russian aggressor in response to the violations of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and humanitarian aid for the countless victims of this hybrid war. In 2017, the UWC opened a Mission to International Organizations in Brussels to further build and strengthen these relations.

Despite the challenges, a new Ukraine is evolving as it moves forward toward the European community.

Today, the UWC unites a network of Ukrainian communities in 53 countries with a common vision and speaks on behalf of 20 million Ukrainians around the world who work with unwavering belief in the strength and limitless potential of the people of Ukraine. The successes of the UWC over five decades are a result of the successes of all our communities.

The UWC has a great story to tell and it is our aim during this 50th anniversary year to not only amplify this story, but engage even more Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine in achieving this common vision of a new European Ukraine.

Our 50th anniversary celebrations began with a successful launch in Toronto, Canada, on 26 February 2017, followed by events in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Poland.

The main focus will be on Ukraine where the UWC is organizing a series of events and initiatives beginning with a gala celebration in Kyiv. The International Institute for Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of Lviv Polytechnic National University is leading our awareness campaign in Ukraine with several initiatives designed specifically to share the story of the UWC and the Ukrainian diaspora with the people of Ukraine, including a travelling exhibit engaging students across Ukraine in learning about the diaspora.

A series of conferences will engage different regions of the world in a discussion about the future and the development of an international road map for the attainment of our common goals. Conferences are scheduled for Lviv, New York, Buenos Aires, Brussels and Toronto.

More information on the UWC 50th anniversary program is available on a specially designated UWC website: .

We live during a critical time in the history of the Ukrainian nation. On the one hand, young people continue to sacrifice their lives daily in a war with a Russian aggressor that refuses to allow the Ukrainian people to live freely on their own land. On the other hand, Ukraine is implementing serious reforms to fully comply with European standards and reduce corruption, as well as promote economic development.

The Ukrainian community can take pride in the glorious 50-year history of the UWC. With every year, the UWC has become stronger, more effectual and more influential. With your help, the UWC will continue to lead the Ukrainian community in the diaspora in promoting the human and national rights of all Ukrainians in the world and working with the people of Ukraine to mutually ensure that Ukraine succeeds in protecting its independence and territorial integrity, and becomes the greatest modern-day success story.

There is no stronger partner for the Ukrainian people in Ukraine and the diaspora than the UWC.

Become a supporter of the UWC. Your donation today will help to ensure that the UWC continues to grow and prosper for the benefit of a strong, bold, united and inspiring Ukrainian nation.

Wherever you live, the message is one: Ukrainians together – the future is ours!

Donations can be made:

  • Online: or
  • By cheque payable to “Ukrainian World Congress” (no tax receipt will be issued) or to “Ukrainian World Foundation” (tax receipts will be issued to Canadian residents). Please mail cheques to: Ukrainian World Congress, 145 Evans Ave., Suite 207, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8Z 5X8.





Eugene Czolij


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