
Ukrainian World Congress calls upon Ukrainian citizens to vote

#UWC news
April 17,2019 187

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) calls upon Ukrainians in the diaspora, citizens of Ukraine and friends of Ukraine to support the #Vote (#Голосуйте!initiative to encourage heightened participation of the electorate in Ukraine and outside Ukraine during the second round of the Presidential Election in Ukraine on 21 April 2019.


This year’s election of the President of Ukraine is taking place under unusual circumstances as Ukrainians defend their freedom and territorial integrity against Russian military aggression while building a sovereign, economically prosperous and democratic state.


The UWC is appealing to all citizens of Ukraine, including those living outside Ukraine, to support the democratic process of Ukraine’s development by exercising the right to vote.


The list of all polling stations outside Ukraine is available HERE.


How to participate in the #Vote (#Голосуйте!initiative:


[For Facebook and Twitter]


    1. Print out a “#Vote!” (#Голосуйте!) poster that can be downloaded HERE.


    1. Take a photo with the poster.


    1. Post the photo on your social media sites with the hashtag #Vote! (#Голосуйте!).


    1. Tag at least three of your friends in the post asking them to share, tag their friends and pass the torch.



#Vote! #Голосуйте!


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