
Ukrainian World Congress Christmas Greetings

#UWC news
December 23,2016 168

The Ukrainian World Congress extends sincere greetings to the Hierarchs and clergy of Ukrainian Churches, the President, Prime Minister, Chairperson of the Parliament and Armed Forces of Ukraine, Presidents of Ukrainian World Congress member organizations and Ukrainians around the world on the occasion of one of the greatest Christian Holy Days – Christmas!

Over two thousand years ago the rays of the Christmas star shone with the light of truth, peace and love, heralding the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ who brought to Earth the light of God’s truth and blessed mankind with a new Christian life, the guarantor of happiness in a future eternal life.

For yet another year the celebration of the Birth of Christ is being overshadowed by the troubling events in Ukraine, the sons and daughters of which are withstanding the unrelenting aggression of the Russian Federation and continue to sacrifice their lives defending the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and thereby stopping the advance of Russian imperialism to the West.

On this Holy Day, the Ukrainian World Congress calls upon Ukrainians worldwide to praise Jesus Christ, thank Him for all bestowed gifts and say a Christmas prayer for Ukraine to assume its rightful place among independent, democratic and successful European nations.

Christ is Born!   Let us praise Him!



Eugene Czolij


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