The Ukrainian World Congress extends sincere greetings to the Hierarchs and clergy of Ukrainian Churches, the President, Prime Minister, Chair of the Parliament and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, leaders of Ukrainian World Congress member organizations and Ukrainians throughout the world on the Holy Day of the Resurrection of Christ!
The Resurrection of the Son of God is the greatest and holiest day that symbolizes the victory of life over death, fills our hearts with exaltation and joy, and instills in our souls the belief in a brighter future.
On this Holy Day, we thank the resurrected Jesus Christ for his graces, remember those who have passed away, and ask to keep family and friends safe. We also pray for our spiritual homeland, for its courageous defenders, for the victims of foreign aggression, and for peace and prosperity for the entire Ukrainian nation in Ukraine.
May the light of the Resurrection of Christ warm and protect our global Ukrainian family, and strengthen it in unity and inspiration for the continued defence of the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and its consolidation as a democratic, European and sovereign state.
Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!