
Ukrainian World Congress Observer Mission redeploys observers to monitor the vote tabulation

#UWC news
October 30,2012 293


October 30, 2012

Ukrainian World Congress Observer Mission redeploys observers to monitor the vote tabulation

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) Observer Mission to the 2012 Parliamentary Election in Ukraine remains
concerned about incoming reports from its short-term observers (STOs) of election law violations during the vote tabulation process at District Election Commissions (DECs), and urges the government of Ukraine to uphold democratic standards and the election law.  As of the issuance of this release, the UWC Mission STOs remain at numerous DECs and continue to file reports.

After witnessing widespread election law violations during the vote tabulation, on October 29, 2012 the UWC Mission issued a call to all international observers to continue the monitoring of the Ukrainian Parliamentary elections, and return to DECs where vote tabulations continue.  

The systemically slow tabulation of Precinct Election Commission protocols at the DECs may result in falsifications and affect the will of the Ukrainian electorate.  Concerned with districts where less than 50 percent of the Precinct Election Commission protocols were tabulated, on October 30, 2012, the UWC Mission redeployed STO teams to a dozen DECs in Kyiv and the Kyiv oblast.

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