
Ukrainian World Congress President concludes visit to Montenegro

#UWC news
November 23,2018 194

On 19-20 November 2018, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij, fulfilled a visit to Montenegro during which he met with high-ranking government officials and the Ukrainian community to present Ukrainian interests.

In meetings with high-ranking officials, the UWC President thanked Montenegro for its support of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, including the imposition of sanctions against the Russian Federation for its aggressor activities in Ukraine. Making reference to the attempted coup in Montenegro during parliamentary elections in 2016 with the participation of Russian forces, the UWC President called on Montenegro to support Ukraine in minimizing the interference of the Russian Federation in the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in Ukraine. Eugene Czolij also called for Montenegro, as the newest member of NATO, to support the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine, and specifically granting Ukraine the NATO Membership Action Plan. During a meeting with the Director General, Directorate for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, Ministry for Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro, the UWC President called for support for the Ukrainian community and assistance in the realization of its goals

Montenegro officials shared their gratitude for the assistance provided by Ukraine during massive forest fires that raged along the Adriatic coast in 2017. 

On 19 November 2018 Eugene Czolij met with the Ukrainian community to present the work of the UWC and discuss the importance of a united voice for the community in Montenegro, and participated a ceremony marking the 5th anniversary of the Day of Dignity and Freedom in Ukraine laying a wreath at the monument to Taras Shevchenko.

During his visit to Montenegro, the UWC President was accompanied by Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Ukraine in Montenegro, Nataliia Fiialka. 

“The Ukrainian World Congress expresses its support for the Ukrainian community in Montenegro and hopes that in the near future it will establish an organization that will represent their interests,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

List of individuals with whom the UWC President met:

Duković Halil – Head of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro

Gjokaj Leon – Director General, Directorate for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, Ministry for Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro

Nikolić Andrija – Head of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants of the Parliament of Montenegro

Sekulić Predrag – Chair of the Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

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