
Ukrainian World Congress President Eugene Czolij concluded visit to Cyprus

#UWC news
April 21,2018 152

On 17-18 April 2018, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij fulfilled a visit to Nicosia, Cyprus, to discuss with high-ranking government officials and representatives of civil society the importance of supporting Ukraine in the defence of its territorial integrity and promoting its Euro-integrational processes.

During these meetings, the UWC President highlighted the illegal occupation of Crimea and the persistent military actions of the Russian Federation in Eastern Ukraine, and the destructive consequences which Ukraine and its people are suffering therefrom. Eugene Czolij also focused on the global threat of the Russian Federation and drew attention to its recent chemical attacks as well as mass disinformation and a series of destabilizing processes including the wide spreading of the NotPetya virus and meddling in elections, specifically in the U.S.A. and France. To stop this Russian hybrid aggression, the UWC President called for Cyprus, to support the extension and strengthening of EU sanctions against the Russian Federation. Eugene Czolij also shared information about the modernization and reform processes in Ukraine’s key areas, including the reduction of corruption. In this context, the UWC President called for the strengthening of Ukrainian-Cypriot trade relations. Eugene Czolij also urged Cyprus to recognize the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people.

While in Nicosia, the UWC President had a meeting with the leadership of the Society of Ukrainian-Cypriot Friendship, during which he familiarized himself with their activities and discussed further cooperation with the UWC.

He also visited the buffer zone under the supervision of a UN peacekeeping force, with the participation of Ukraine.

Eugene Czolij was accompanied while in Cyprus by Director of the UWC Mission to Internationational Organizations in Brussels Maryna Iaroshevych. The Ambassador of Ukraine in Cyprus, Borys Humeniuk, participated in individual meetings.

“Meetings with the governing authorities were constructive and I count on the support of Cyprus in the defense of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and its Euro-integrational processes,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij. 

List of individuals with whom the UWC President met:

Alexandrou Maria, Officer at the Directorate of Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus

Chamberlen Vassos, Minister Plenipotentiary, Head of Department of Eastern Europe, Western Balkans and Central Asia, Directorate of Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus

Dean Nathaniel, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of the United States in Cyprus

Humeniuk Borys, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine in Cyprus

Kontos Michalis, Assistant Professorat the University of Nicosia

Kyprianou Andros, Member of the House of Representatives of Cyprus,Leader of the AKEL-Left-New Forces Parliamentary Group

Neofytou Averof, Leader of the Delegation of the House of Representatives of Cyprus to the Inter-Parliamentary Union

Photiades Alexis, Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Cyprus

Photiou Photis, Presidential Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs and Overseas Cypriots, Presidency of Cyprus

Stavrinou Constantinos, Officer at the Department of Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus

Syllouris Demetris, President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus

Theophanous Andreas, Executive Chairman of Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs and Professor of Political Economy at the University of Nicosia

Vasiliadou Maria, Deputy President of the Movement of Social Democrats, Parliament of Cyprus


From left: B. Humeniuk, D. Syllouris, E. Czolij and M. Iaroshevych

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