
Ukrainian World Congress President Eugene Czolij concluded visit to Romania

#UWC news
November 26,2017 175

On 22-23 November 2017, on the invitation of Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) member organization Association of Ukrainians in Romania (AUR), UWC President Eugene Czolij fulfilled a working visit to Bucharest, Romania, to address current Ukrainian issues with Romanian governing authorities and discuss continued cooperation with the Ukrainian community.

During meetings with high-ranking officials the UWC President thanked Romania for the significant support for Ukraine and called to continue combatting the hybrid war of the Russian Federation, which is also a threat to European countries, including Romania.  As a result, Eugene Czolij called upon Romania to support the strengthening and prolongation of sanctions against the Russian Federation. He also urged Romania to adopt a Magnitsky Law for gross violations of human rights. The UWC President called for Romania to support a Marshall Plan for Ukraine that will enable it to recover from the devastation caused by the Russian aggression and continue with needed reforms. In addition, Eugene Czolij emphasized the need to strengthen efforts to counter the Russian disinformation campaign that attempts to portray Ukraine as a failed state, and shared information on the latest major reforms in Ukraine. Eugene Czolij called upon Romania to recognize the Holodomor of 1932-33 a genocide of the Ukrainian people.

The UWC President also raised the issue of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” to find a resolution regarding the concerns of Romania pertaining to its Article 7.

On 22 November 2017, the UWC President delivered an address to representatives of the AUR on the work of the UWC.

That same day Eugene Czolij delivered greetings during a commemoration of Dignity and Freedom Day organized by the Embassy of Ukraine in Romania at the Cultural-Information Centre.

While in Bucharest, the UWC President also visited a book fair where the AUR had a Ukrainian booth.

During his visit to Romania the UWC President was accompanied by President of the AUR and Member of Parliament of Romania Mykola Myroslav Petrecky, Director of the UWC Mission to International Organizations in Brussels Maryna Iaroshevych, School Superintendent of the Suchavsk School District Lucia Mihok and President of the AUR Youth Organization Aleksa Bout.

“The working visit to Romania was yet another step in strengthening good neighbourly relations between Ukraine and Romania, and offered an opportunity to discuss Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” to address Romania’s concerns regarding this article,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

List of individuals with whom the UWC President met:

Ardelean Ben-Oni, Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament

Bankov Oleksandr, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Romania

Bucur Ariana Oana, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education of Romania

Bucur Vasile, Deputy Chief of the Department for Defense Policy, Planning and International Relations at the Ministry of National Defence of Romania

Kovacs Irina Elisabeta, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education of Romania

Nasta Nicolae, Secretary of State at the Ministry of National Defence of Romania

Neculaescu Dan, State Secretary for Regional Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania

Pop Georgian, Secretary of the Standing Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament

Pop Liviu-Marian, Minister of Education of Romania


In the photo from left to right: N. M. Petrechi, E. Czolij, L.- M. Pop, M. Iaroshevych and L. Mihoc

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