
Ukrainians around the world celebrate the 150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka’s birth

#UWC news
February 25,2021 1159
Ukrainians around the world celebrate the 150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka’s birth

February 25, 2021, marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Lesya Ukrainka – one of Ukrainian literature’s foremost authorsher works have travelled around the world and been translated into dozens of languages. For more than a century, Lesya Ukrainka has remained a powerful ambassador of Ukrainian culture internationally. Generations of Ukrainians unite around her memorable works. 

In the jubilee year of 2021, literary discussions, translators’ competitions, and poetry readings will take place in Ukraine and abroad. For the first time online, the complete collection of Ukrainka‘s works, all 14 volumes, are available to download. These volumes and other important celebratory projects can be found at 

Leading up to this important anniversarywe asked Ukrainians from countries where Lesya Ukrainka travelled to share little-known facts about the famous Ukrainian writer. The video “Journeys with Lesya” tells about the places she visited and, after the pandemic, hopefully, everyone will be able to visit.

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Lesya Ukrainka, beloved Ukrainian poet, playwright, and feminist, SUSK has put together a video tribute including readings of Ukrainka’s poems “Hope” and “Doh” in English and Ukrainian.

The Ukrainian community of Japan “Kraiyany” created a series of video stories about Lesya Ukrainka in Japanese. 


Ukrainians in India filmed the play “Forest Song” in Hindi.

Young Ukrainians from Denmark have prepared interesting facts from the life of the famous writer. Watch on Facebook .

UCC presented a virtual reading of “Contra spem spero” poem and a short presentation about Lesia Ukrainka’s life and work with Nataliya Nayavko, Special Language Advisor at Alberta Education.

Congress of Ukrainians of Estonia showed an insightful reading of Lesya Ukrainka’s poems performed by students of the Sunday school of the Ukrainian cultural and educational Society “Stozhary”. Watch on Facebook 

Lesya Ukrainka School in Ottawa told its history and features of the 150th anniversary of the famous writer.

World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations shared a video of Lesya Ukrainka from the Ukrainian Foreign School in Naples (Italy)


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