The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) and the united Ukrainian diaspora around the world join in celebrating the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, which falls symbolically on the commemorative day of Nestor the Chronicler.
The Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, established in the early years of Ukraine’s independence, “given the important role of the Ukrainian language in the consolidation of Ukrainian society,” is a special day for Ukrainians around the world. The Ukrainian language is a unique national treasure of our people, which unites generations of Ukrainians in the diaspora around our most important national tasks, one of which today is the support of Ukraine.
For Ukrainians in Ukraine, the Ukrainian language is an integral component of unity around national problems, a means of well-being and protection of one’s interests, and an underwriter of Ukraine’s independence.
“Being aware of the role of the Ukrainian language and our responsibility to pass it on to future generations, Ukrainians in the diaspora, persistently fighting the assimilation process, preserve, support and promote Ukrainian in their countries of residence. The UWC International Educational Coordinating Council calls on all Ukrainians in the diaspora and in Ukraine to cherish the Ukrainian language, to use it extensively in their daily lives, and to raise its status and prestige,” said Oksana Levytska, Chair of the IECC.