
Ukrainians around the world joined in commemoration of Ukraine’s Day of Unity

#UWC news
January 22,2017 139

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) together with its network of Ukrainian communities in 53 countries joined the 2017 commemoration of 22 January, a significant date for the Ukrainian nation – Day of Unity of Ukraine.

Precisely on this day in 1919, in Sophia Square in Kyiv, the Unification Act was proclaimed, stating: “From today, parts of Ukraine separated from one another for centuries – Halychyna, Bukovyna, Zakarpattia and Naddniprianschyna – are being merged into one Great Ukraine… From today, the Ukrainian people, liberated by the strong  manifestation of their own strength, have the ability to unite all of the efforts of their sons for the creation of an indivisible, independent Ukrainian State for the good and prosperity of the Ukrainian people.”   

The unification of lands in 1919 formed a solid foundation for the re-instatement of Ukraine’s independence and its subsequent development, as well as for today’s unity of the Ukrainian nation in the determined fight against the Russian aggressor and in the desire to live in a fully independent and reformed state.

“Ukrainians around the world led by the Ukrainians World Congress will continue to further the strengthening of the national unity of the Ukrainian nation for the most important mission of the present day: re-establishment of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, including the de-occupation of Crimea and the return to Ukraine of the occupied territories of Donbas,” stated Ukrainian World Congress President Eugene Czolij.  

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