
Ukrainians in Malta adopt declaration on ‘Russian aggression’ at OSCE Parallel Civic Society Conference

December 9,2024 398
Ukrainians in Malta adopt declaration on ‘Russian aggression’ at OSCE Parallel Civic Society Conference

The Foundation for the Ukrainian Community of Malta participated in a civil society event devoted to Ukraine and Russia ahead of a meeting of the world’s largest regional security organization. 

Under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Parallel Civic Society Conference took place on Dec. 4-6. This yearly event gathers civil society representatives from 57 countries and is held just before the high-level OSCE Ministerial Council.   

The Malta Declaration was adopted during the three-day event, which focused on “mobilizing efforts to support Ukraine and resist Russian aggression.” 

The document calls “for stronger actions by OSCE participating states and the wider international community to increase support for Ukraine in the face of unprecedented Russian aggression,” the Ukrainian community wrote. 

Discussions at the conference highlighted the need for increased military assistance to help Ukraine defend its people and territories, enhanced sanctions against the aggressor and its allies, as well as addressing Ukraine’s energy and humanitarian needs. 

Emphasis on the importance of human rights protection, ensuring justice, accountability for those responsible, and supporting civil society initiative, were also voiced by the participants. 

The OSCE Parallel Civic Society Conference serves as an important forum for addressing the challenges faced by the international organization and ensuring that the commitments of its member states are fulfilled. 

However, no enforcement mechanisms exist within the OSCE to ensure that commitments are fulfilled and Russia is one of the organization’s 57 member states. 

Researchers, experts, diplomats, and civil society representatives from Western Europe, Southeastern Europe, and Central Asia attended the event. 

Photos: The Foundation for the Ukrainian Community of Malta on Facebook.

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