
Ukrainians worldwide commemorate 90th anniversary of Holodomor

#UWC news
November 27,2023 780
Ukrainians worldwide commemorate 90th anniversary of Holodomor

This weekend, Ukrainians all over the world commemorated the anniversary of the Holodomor genocide of 1932-1933. Commemorative rallies and events took place in dozens of countries around the world.

Ukrainians in Canada gathered in Toronto on November 26. Adults and children joined in praying for Ukrainians who died during the mass artificial famine.

A commemorative event was also held in Edmonton, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress reported. “Priests held a memorial service, invited politicians of various levels and guests gave speeches, children sang songs and made a small play. At the end of the event, all guests went to the Holodomor monument, located right next to the city hall, where everyone sang the national anthem of Ukraine, lit candles and placed flowers,” the organizers said.

Ukrainians in the United States of America in New York organized an event commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor genocide in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the Ukrainian Youth Association reported.

Also, Ukrainians in the USA rallied near the Holodomor Memorial in Washington. Oksana Markarova, Ukraine’s ambassador to the USA, addressed the audience.

On November 25, representatives of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB) joined the evening prayer in Westminster Abbey to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-33, committed against the Ukrainian people by the Stalinist regime.

A special prayer was said for the people of Ukraine and in a very special and moving moment, the Choir of Westminster Abbey sang word perfect in Ukrainian, the special hymn ‘Prayer for Ukraine’ (Боже Великий Єдиний) with words written by Oleksandr Konysky (1836-1900) and music by Mykola Lysenko (1842-1912).  A single candle was lit at the high alter during the service in memory of the victims of the Holodomor service by Eduard Fesko, First Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of Ukraine to the UK. Outside the Abbey an Ecumenical Memorial Service was held by the Ukrainian clergy and a blue and yellow wreath was laid.  Honoured guest, actor and writer, Stephen Fry, proudly wearing a Tryzub tie gifted to him by President Zelensky, stood by for photos with Ukrainian children from St Mary’s Ukrainian School and members of CYM London and PLAST GB Ukrainian Scouting Organisation in Great Britain,” the AUGB wrote

A commemorative rally took place near the monument to the victims of the Holodomor genocide in London.

On November 24, the Ukrainian Women’s Association Victoria commemorated the victims of the Holodomor on the steps of the Parliament of the State of Victoria, Australia, in Melbourne. 90 years ago, a dark page was written in the history of Ukraine –the Holodomor of 1932-1933. And today, as never before, memory is essential, the organizers emphasized.

Melody” by Myroslav Skoryk and the National Anthem of Ukraine sounded under the rain, which flowed like tears from the sky. Descendants shared the stories of their ancestors. Their words penetrated the heart like heavy rain. And here, under the weight of clouds and oppressive rain, a poem about the Holodomor. The words flowed like raindrops, creating a picture of sadness and great loss. A Pledge was solemnly made, making a solemn promise not only to honor the memory of that suffering, but also to strive to uphold our identity and dignity. Let this promise be our commitment to the past and our contribution to the future,” the Ukrainian Women’s Association Victoria said.

The annual commemoration of the Holodomor of 1932-33 was held in St. Michael’s Church in the Australian city of Adelaide. The commemoration began with laying wreaths by representatives of organizations, and ended with a memorial service by Ukrainian Catholic and Orthodox priests.

Ukrainians in Estonia also took to the streets to remind the world of those who died during the Holodomor of 1932-1933. “The world increasingly understands that 90 years ago, a genocide of Ukrainians took place in Ukraine. And the first in the world to recognize this was Estonia, which in 1993 approved the relevant Statement. The Ukrainian World Congress awarded the Parliament of Estonia with its highest award – the Medal of St. Volodymyr – for this courageous step,” said Head of the Congress of Ukrainians of Estonia and the Vice President of the Ukrainian World Congress, Vira Konyk.

The Ukrainian Central Representation (UCR) in the Republic of Argentina and the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Argentina organized a commemoration of the innocent victims of the Holodomor genocide on November 25. The participants of the event joined the memorial service.

After the memorial service, Fr. Nazariy Kasczak, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Argentina Yurii Klymenko and President of the UCR Dr. Pedro Lylyk, touching on the policy of genocide of 90 years ago, which continues today. The invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, about the need to recognize the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people by all countries that have not yet done so, and about the fact that we should remember this genocide so that it never happens again in the world,” the organizers wrote.

Ukrainians in Hungary lit a candle in memory of the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine 1932-1933. “We swore not to forget the Genocide of the Ukrainian people! Eternal memory!” wrote the UWC Vice-President, the World Federation of Ukrainian Women Organizations (​​WFUWO) President Jaroszlava Hartyányi.

Ukrainians in Denmark took part in a memorial service for the souls of Holodomor victims. “The Holodomor is a terrible pain for the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian history… We will never forget… We will never forgive…” wrote Vasyl Gedz, head of the branch of the Ukrainian organization in Denmark “Lastivka.”

Ukrainians in Germany joined the commemoration of the anniversary of the tragedy of the Ukrainian people. “Ukrainians were punished by the Soviet authorities for disobedience and resistance, they were deprived of food, they were forbidden to flee, millions of people died of hunger, how many remains uncounted. The genocide committed by the Soviet regime continues in Russia today,” the rally organizers emphasized.

A memorial procession with candles was held in Rome, Italy, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor, reported Oles Horodetskyy, the president of the Christian Association of Ukrainians and the leader of the Ukrainian community in Rome.

“In their speeches, the speakers talked about the causes, course and consequences of the Holodomor, why it was a Genocide of the Ukrainian People, and not a natural cataclysm, and called on the lower house of the Italian Parliament – the Chamber of Deputies – to recognize the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian People. The theme of Russian aggression against Ukraine sounded in almost every speech,” Horodetskyy wrote.

Ukrainians in the United Arab Emirates commemorated the victims of the Holodomor genocide. “We watched together the first series of an extremely important documentary project –  the miniseries “Holodomor. Chroniclers”, which was presented only this week and must be seen: both Ukrainians and foreigners,” said the Ukrainian community in the UAE.

“After a professional, restrained, and at the same time very emotional and debatable film, after this almost detective-thriller, together with Ukraine at 16:00 Kyiv time, we joined the action “Light a candle of memory,” the organizers added.

The Ukrainian community in the Republic of South Africa organized a prayer for all those who died during the Holodomor of 1932-1933.

Ukrainians in Japan held an educational and commemorative event to commemorate the anniversary of the genocide of Ukrainians.

Ukrainians in Kazakhstan prayed for those who died during the Holodomor genocide in Karaganda. “After the liturgy and requiem, flowers were placed at the symbolic memorial cross near the church,” wrote priest Vasyl Hovera, apostolic administrator for Catholics of the Byzantine rite in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Ukrainians in Lebanon joined the UWC’s online #ShineALight campaign and lit  candles to honor the memory of millions of dead Ukrainians.

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