
UWC Applauds the EU for Granting Candidate Status to Ukraine

#UWC news
June 23,2022 997
UWC Applauds the EU for Granting Candidate Status to Ukraine

Brussels – June 23, 2022. The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) welcomes today’s historic decision by all 27 European Union (EU) member countries at their summit in Brussels to grant Ukraine European Union candidate status.

By granting candidate status, the EU recognizes Ukraine as part of the European family of nations, united by common values, principles and rules. It puts Ukraine on a path to full-fledged membership by establishing the formal legal framework for accession.

“This is a truly historic moment that millions of Ukrainians in Ukraine and all around the world have been fighting for and have been dreaming of. Ukraine is and will always be Europe. For two decades Ukrainians have been fighting for democracy and European values in the face of Russia’s efforts to block the country’s move towards the West. Ukraine is finally joining the civilized bloc of like-minded countries. Ukraine will be stronger in the EU and the EU will be stronger with Ukraine,” said Paul Grod, UWC President.

The UWC, together its organized and influential communities in all EU countries, has been actively advocating for Ukraine’s EU membership. “I want to thank the leaders of the European Council, European Parliament and European Commission for their unwavering and active support for Ukraine’s EU membership, the EU member countries who advocated for Ukraine, the President and the entire government of Ukraine, and all the Ukrainian communities and friends of Ukraine who tireless worked to build support for this historic decision.”

The next stage for Ukraine will require significant work to implement a wide range of reforms, aimed at harmonizing Ukrainian and EU legislation, stabilizing its economy and, of course, undergoing a post-war reconstruction.

“Today the people of Ukraine are defending their country and all of Europe from the atrocious Russian aggressor, who will stop at nothing to wipe out Ukrainians and destroy a united Europe. We are grateful to the EU for its iron-clad support of Ukraine. We also call upon the EU leaders to continue providing Ukraine with political, economic, and military support. Ukraine’s victory and rebuilding a better country is our next goal,” stressed Paul Grod.

“Ukraine’s EU candidate status will strengthen the European Union and will inspire the people of Ukraine to fight for a sustainable and democratic future of their country. A new era of European history has begun,” Grod concluded.


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