
UWC calls for descendants of Holodomor survivors to actively add their voice to worldwide initiatives on 85th anniversary

#UWC news
August 10,2018 216

On the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-33 being marked in 2018 the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) is calling for descendants of Holodomor survivors living throughout the world to add their voice to awareness and education initiatives on the international, national or local levels.

Our goals include:

  • Remembering the victims of the Holodomor with dignity;
  • Understanding and honoring the survivors of the Holodomor respectfully;
  • Achieving appropriate recognition of this genocide by the international community;
  • Ensuring that the story of the Holodomor continues to be shared by future generations.

Should you choose to add your name to the UWC database being created, we will share with you information on activities that are either in progress or being developed to achieve our goals.

Sharing the story of the Holodomor widely is in the interest of the entire Ukrainian nation. It was a horrific crime in our history that continues to define us as a people today. Understanding this history will contribute greatly to finding the way forward. To succeed we need your voice!

Please be assured that your name will not be shared with any third party or attached to any initiative without your express approval.

You may sign up to receive information at this LINK.

For further information please contact Irka Mycak, UWC International Holodomor Coordinating Committee, by e-mail: [email protected]

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