
UWC calls for volunteers to join UWC International Election Observation Mission to Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine

#UWC news
October 3,2014 150


The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) is calling for volunteers to join the UWC International Election Observation Mission being deployed to the Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine scheduled for 26 October 2014.


As Ukraine continues with its democratization and the full implementation of the ratified EU‑Ukraine Association Agreement, the objective of the Mission is to support an open and transparent electoral process both in Ukraine and at diplomatic posts around the world.


“We encourage the participation of volunteers from around the world in the UWC Mission,” said Peter Sztyk, UWC Head of Mission. “This is a great opportunity to help ensure that the will of the Ukrainian people is expressed during the Parliamentary Elections.”


Download the application package for interested volunteers.


The deadline for submitting applications is 13 October 2014.

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