
UWC Calls on Germany to Withdraw Sanctions Exemption Request and Canada to Reinstate and Enhance Original Sanctions

#UWC news
August 19,2022 789
UWC Calls on Germany to Withdraw Sanctions Exemption Request and Canada to Reinstate and Enhance Original Sanctions

August 19, 2022 – Toronto.  On the eve of Germany Chancellor’s visit to Canada, the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) calls upon the German government to withdraw its request for a sanctions waiver and for the Canadian government to reinstate and enhance sanctions regime on Gazprom and the Russian oil and gas sector.  Maintaining a principled position on Russian sanctions is critical.  Canada’s sanctions against Gazprom are aimed at removing the ability for Russia continue financing its war in Ukraine.  The decision to lift sanctions on Russia to provide turbine maintenance for the Nord Stream 1 pipeline has not delivered the energy security Germany anticipated. 

It is clear that the suspension of these sanctions has not produced the continued supply of Russian gas to Germany and the EU at levels which the Russian Federation is contractually obligated” stated UWC President Paul Grod.  

Since Russia has refused to take delivery of the turbine, demanding a further weakening of sanctions, there is no need for further shipment of turbines to Canada for maintenance, and the need for the sanctions exemption should be reversed.  

We cannot supply a terrorist state with the tools it needs to finance the killing of tens of thousands of innocent people. This is not just about a turbine or possible many turbines to support Russia’s energy exports, this is about continuously succumbing to Russia’s blackmail,” stated UWC President Paul Grod.

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