
UWC calls to participate in an international flash mob in support of Ukraine on 3 April 2016 prior to the Dutch referendum

#UWC news
April 1,2016 160

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) calls upon all friends of Ukraine to actively participate in the international flash mob in support of Ukraine on 3 April 2016 prior to the referendum in the Netherlands on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement to be held on 6 April 2016.

The organizer of this initiative is a group of individuals, including Ukrainian students studying in Dutch educational institutions, who have chosen to promote Ukraine to the citizens of the Netherlands with an international cycling race accompanied by an international flash mob, thus allowing anyone around the world to participate.

Leading the two-hour race in the capital city of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, will be Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin along with Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine of various nationalities.

Anyone can participate in this initiative, regardless of country of residence, by riding a bike in solidarity.

Watch a video to learn more about #IRideAlong.

We also urge you to express on social media your support for Ukraine’s European choice. 

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