18 March 2017 will mark three years from the time when the Russian Federation, blatantly violating international law, illegally occupied Crimea, an integral part of the territory of the Ukrainian state, and subsequently launched military actions in Eastern Ukraine.
The international community resolutely condemned these aggressor acts of the Russian Federation and its gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the persecution and imprisonment of Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars and the pro-Ukrainian population of the temporarily occupied territories, and the ongoing and consistently escalating armed attacks in contravention of the Minsk agreements in Donbas that continue to take the lives of innocent Ukrainian men, women and children.
“The Ukrainian World Congress highlights the very serious threat of Russian imperialism to peace and stability in the world and calls upon the international community to firmly continue to uphold the return to Ukraine of illegally occupied Crimea and the territorial integrity of Ukraine, which today remains the outpost that prevents the advance of the aggression of the Russian Federation further West,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.