
UWC honors the Day of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus and the Day of Ukrainian Statehood

#UWC news
July 15,2024 599
UWC honors the Day of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus and the Day of Ukrainian Statehood

On July 15, the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) traditionally joins Ukraine and Ukrainians worldwide in celebrating one of the most important Ukrainian religious and spiritual holidays – St. Volodymyr of Kyiv Day. Traditionally, this day is also celebrated as the Day of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus and the Day of Ukrainian Statehood. 

These holidays are of special significance to Ukrainians. They remind us of the ancient history of the Ukrainian nation and state and the majestic figure of Prince Volodymyr the Great – one of the most revered figures in Ukrainian history.

Ukrainians honor Prince Volodymyr as one of the greatest national rulers and the baptizer of the medieval Ukrainian state – Kyivan Rus. A prominent military leader, reformer and ruler of his time, Volodymyr the Great united the Kyivan Rus lands, turning it into one of the most powerful states of medieval Europe. He also made a great geopolitical choice in favor of the West by adopting Christianity as the official religion of his state in 988. The result was the political, economic, and cultural integration of the medieval Ukrainian state into Europe.  

Prince Volodymyr also gave Ukraine its modern national symbols. The Emblem of the Royal State of Volodymyr the Great, widely known as the Trident, and the blue and yellow flag, which also traces back to Kyivan Rus, remind us of these deep roots of Ukrainian statehood.

For centuries, the story of Volodymyr the Great has inspired Ukrainians to serve their homeland and to struggle for its independence. Today, it inspires the brave men and women of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who are fighting for Ukraine’s freedom and sovereignty against the deadly Russian aggressor, who aims to wipe out Ukrainians on their own soil. The brave Ukrainian military is also defending not only Ukraine but the whole of Europe – just like their ancestors in times of Volodymyr the Great, who protected Europe from barbarian hordes from the East.

Despite Russia’s modern attempts to once again destroy the Ukrainian nation and usurp Ukraine’s history with the help of its heinous propaganda, the world recognizes the deep and rich heritage of the Ukrainian nation. 

On this day, UWC calls on all Ukrainians and Ukrainian communities around the world to counter and call out Russian lies and false historical narratives. Moscow’s attacks on Ukrainian history and attempts to defame Ukrainian heroes are a part of Russia’s general efforts aimed at eradicating Ukrainian national identity. 

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!

Please note that due to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine’s decision to switch to the New Julian calendar, which is used by most Orthodox churches in Europe, the feast day of St. Volodymyr has moved to July 15 starting from 2024. Previously, this day was celebrated on July 28. 

Cover: Shutterstock

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