On May 26, 2017, the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) International Educational Coordinating Council (IECC) sent 90th Anniversary Greetings to Lesia Khraplyva Schur – a teacher, writer, journalist, editor, community activist and long-time member of the IECC.
Nadia Luciw, former Chair of the IECC presented the official letter of greeting from IECC Chair Oksana A. Wynnyckyj-Yusypovych at a special gathering of friends and colleagues who had come together to celebrate the Anniversary. In the letter particular mention was made of how Lesia Khraplyva-Schur has enriched the lives of children, youth and teachers of the Ukrainian diaspora, through her valuable and interesting materials published in “Vidhuknitsia”, the UWC teachers’ newsletter; “Hotuys”, the Plast organization’s children’s magazine; 1000 Years of Ukraine’ Christianity, an anthology of literary works published by the IECC; and, The Holodomor: Through the Eyes of The Fourth Generation, a collection of personal accounts by grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Holodomor survivors. A special debt is owed to Lesia Khraplyva-Schur whose literary talent, in particular her patriotic poems, tales and stories for children and youth, have expanded the treasury of Ukrainian literary works.
Friends, colleagues, former students and fans came together to honour and celebrate Lesia Khraplyva-Schur, including Iroida Wynnyckyj, former Chair of the IECC who also chaired the Anniversary Celebrations; Oksana Bryzhun-Sokolyk, former Second Vice-President of the UWC and former Chair of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations; and, Dr. Yuriy Darewych, former Chair of the UWC International Human and Civil Rights Committee.
In 2003, Lesia Khraplyva-Schur was awarded the UWC’s highest award – the St. Volodomyr the Great Medal.
“We, at the UWC International Educational Coordinating Council, express our deep appreciation to Lesia Khraplyva-Schur for her dedication and fruitful output in the field of Ukrainian diaspora education and wish her good health and continued inspiration in her creative work”, stated IECC Chair Dr. Oksana A.Wynnyckyj-Yusypovych.
In the photo: L. Khraplyva Schur (in the center) with friends and colleagues