
UWC President concludes working visit to Germany

#UWC news
December 15,2016 142

On 8-14 December 2016 Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij, on the invitation of the UWC Ukrainian national central representation in Germany, the Association of Ukrainian Organizations in Germany (AUOG), fulfilled a working visit to Berlin, Germany, where he participated in AUOG events and held a series of official meetings with high-ranking officials and representatives of civil society in Germany.

The UWC President delivered remarks during a meeting-forum with Ukrainian community organizations in Germany, delivered the keynote address during an AUOG reception, and conveyed greetings to, and presided over the Second Biennial General Meeting of AUOG during which he also participated in a roundtable discussion on the Russian information war against Ukraine.

During meetings with German high-ranking officials and representatives of civil society, the UWC President expressed gratitude for Germany’s participation in the Normandy format and encouraged a continuing key role in counteracting the Russian hybrid war in Ukraine that threatens peace and stability in the world. Eugene Czolij emphasized that, in defending its borders, Ukraine is, in fact, stopping the advance of Russian imperialism to the West, and he called for Germany to continue supporting Ukraine, including with the extension of targeted economic sanctions against the Russian Federation until it fully complies with the Minsk agreements and de-occupies Crimea. The UWC President also highlighted the importance of firmly defending the human rights of the residents of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, and Ukrainians in the Russian Federation. Eugene Czolij directed attention to the implementation in Ukraine of a range of pro-European reforms and specific measures being taken to combat corruption, including the e-declaration of assets by Ukrainian civil servants. He also called upon German high-ranking officials to seek ways to conclude the ratification process for the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement without modifying the Agreement and to support the visa free regime for Ukraine taking into account its fulfillment of all criteria.

While in Berlin, the UWC President discussed cooperation in furthering Ukrainian interests with  Ambassador of Ukraine in Germany Andriy Melnyk.

The UWC President was accompanied during his visit to Germany by UWC Liaison Officer to International Organizations Maryna Iaroshevych and AUOG President Lesya Shramko.

“The meetings in Germany, a key partner for Ukraine in stopping Russian aggression against Ukraine, were productive and signaled Germany’s continued support,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

More information on the visit of the UWC President to Germany is also available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.


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