
UWC President Eugene Czolij concluded visit to Kazakhstan

#UWC news
September 28,2018 261

On 18-23 September 2018, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij, at the invitation of UWC member organization Ukrainians of Kazakhstan Association, fulfilled a working visit to Kazakhstan during which he visited Almaty, Karaganda, Dolinka, Shyderty, Pavlodar, Aksy, Astana and Akmol, to strengthen ties with the local Ukrainian Churches and communities, and to present current Ukrainian issues to governing authorities and civil society of Kazakhstan.


During numerous meetings, the UWC President presented the main work of the UWC in strengthening ties among Ukrainian communities in the diaspora, developing their national-cultural lives, and in the defence of the interests of Ukraine and Ukrainians. Eugene Czolij also raised the issue of cooperation on projects of mutual interest and called upon Ukrainians in Kazakhstan to work with the UWC for our common benefit.





On 18 September 2018, the UWC President visited Almaty.


On this day, Eugene Czolij spoke about the UWC in the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the membership of the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Cultural Centre “Prosvita Zhetysu” in the Almaty region under the leadership of Mykola Duras and the Ukrainian Cultural Centre of Almaty led by Tamara Zinchenko. In attendance were also the Deputy Akim (Deputy Mayor) and Deputy Chair of the Almaty Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Kazbek Mansurov, who introduced the UWC President and delivered an address, Manager of the Almaty Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Secretariat Nazar Balginbayev and Representative of the Maslikhat of Almaty and Member of the Regional Union of the National Chamber of Business People Konstantin Averin.


After the meeting, the UWC President together with the Ukrainian community laid flowers at the monument to Taras Shevchenko.


On this day, Eugene Czolij participated in a memorial service in the framework of the UWC international campaign “Light a candle of remembrance” marking the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-33 held in the Catholic Church in Almaty by o. Oleh Halushka of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.


Issues related to the presentation of current events in Ukraine, the positive aspects of its reforms and the strengthening of Kazakh-Ukrainian relations, the UWC President discussed with a member of the Department for International Relations and Regional Studies of KIMEP University, Didar Kasymova; Doctor of historical studies and Dean of the Graduate School for State Policy and Law of the University of Almaty Askar Nursha and Director of the Eurasian Research Centre Vakur Sümer.


In Almaty, Eugene Czolij was accompanied by President of the Ukrainian Cultural Centre in Almaty Tamara Zinchenko and Acting President of the Ukrainian Cultural Centre “Prosvita Zhetysu” in the Almaty region Lyubov Lebed.


Information about the visit of the UWC President to Almaty is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.




On 19 September 2018, the UWC President fulfilled a visit to Karaganda in the framework of which he visited Dolinka and Shyderty.


Eugene Czolij spoke about the UWC during a community meeting in the Dostar-Alem hotel with members of the Ukrainian Cultural Centre “Ridne Slovo” chaired by Zenoviya Krassivskaya. In attendance was Honorary Consul of Ukraine for Karaganda region Yerlan Dоsmagambetov, with whom Eugene Czolij had a separate meeting. After the UWC President’s speech there was a performance by local artists.


In addition, the UWC President attended Divine Liturgy in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Intercession of the Holy Virgin celebrated by Fr. Ihor Svitovyi; visited the Sunday school where he met with students and teachers led by Iryna Skokova and went to the Friendship House, the work of which was presented by Deputy Director of the facility Zhupar Bazarova.


In Karaganda, the UWC President was accompanied by President of the Ukrainian Cultural Centre “Ridne Slovo” chaired by Zenoviya Krassivskaya.




Eugene Czolij also visited in the village of Dolinka the Museum in memory of political repressions, more commonly known as “KARLAG”, where he met with the Deputy Akim of Shakhtynsk Larysa Buravko.




On the way from Karaganda to Pavlodar, Eugene Czolij visited the parish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in the village of Shyderty where he had the opportunity to speak with Fr. Vasyl Kutsyk, a Ukrainian Greek Catholic priest.




On 20-21 September 2018, the UWC President fulfilled a visit to Pavlodar that included a visit to Aksy.


On 20 September 2018, Eugene Czolij attended Divinе Liturgy at Sts. Apostles Peter and Paul Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church celebrated by archpriest Fr. Yaroslav Holovchuk.


The UWC President then met with the Deputy Akim of the Pavlodar region Mehram Behentaiev and Deputy Chair of the Pavlodar Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Seisembai Zhetpysbaiev. During the meeting, Eugene Czolij presented the main activities of the UWC, and the Deputy Akim highlighted the role of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and noted the contribution of Ukrainians to the development of the socio-economic sector in Kazakhstan, and strengthening inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic and ties between the people of Kazakhstan and Ukraine.


On this day, the UWC President delivered a thematic address during a roundtable discussion titled “Friendship without borders”, which was held in the Chamber of Friendship with the participation of many members representing nine chapters of the Taras Shevchenko Association of Ukrainian Culture from cities and villages in the region, heads of state institutions in the city and region, and representatives of mass media. During the roundtable there were several speeches, including by the President of the Ukrainians of Kazakhstan Association and President of the Taras Shevchenko Association of Ukrainian Culture in Pavlodar, Mykhailo Paripsa, and community activists. The moderators were Seisembai Zhetpysbaiev and Mykhailo Paripsa. In the framework of this event, Eugene Czolij viewed a fine arts exhibit by members of the Taras Shevchenko Association of Ukrainian Culture in Pavlodar, and a concert program.


On 21 September 2018, the UWC President attended Divine Liturgy in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Pavlodar celebrated by Fr. Yaroslav Holovchuk and Fr. Ihor Svitovyi; laid wreaths at the Memorial to Victims of the Holodomor and Memorial to Victims of Political Repressions; visited the office of the Taras Shevchenko Association of Ukrainian Culture in Pavlodar and the Chamber of Friendship; and attended a class in the Ukrainian department of the Kanat Darzhumanov School of National Rebirth that was being taught by Yulia Iefimova.




Eugene Czolij met with the Akim of Aksu, Mykola Dychko, who is of Ukrainian descent, the Ukrainian community “Krynytsia” led by Halyna Kalyuga, and also visited the Eco-biological children’s centre where Ukrainian children also learn after school hours.


While in Pavlodar, Eugene Czolij was accompanied by the Deputy Chair of the Pavlodar Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Seisembai Zhetpysbaiev and President of the UWC member organization, Ukrainians of Kazakhstan Association, Mykhailo Paripsa.




On 21-23 September 2018, the UWC President fulfilled a visit to Astana, including a visit to Akmol.


On 21 September 2018, Eugene Czolij met with the Ambassador of Ukraine in Kazakhstan Ivan Kuleba and representatives of Ukrainian communities in Astan.


On 22 September 2018, at the Informational-Cultural Centre of the Embassy of Ukraine in Kazakhstan Eugene Czolij met with the Ukrainian community in Astana and delivered an address about the work of the UWC. The UWC President was welcomed during this meeting by Ambassador of Ukraine in Kazakhstan Ivan Kuleba, President of the Ukrainians of Kazakhstan Association Mykhailo Paripsa and President of the Vatra Association of Astana Taras Chernega.


After the meeting, the UWC President gave an interview to the only Ukrainian language weekly newspaper in Asia, Ukrainski Novyny, established in Kazakhstan in 1994.


That evening, Eugene Czolij attended a service in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of St. Joseph the Betrothed, celebrated by parish priest Fr. Andrii Stetsik.


On 23 September 2018, the UWC President attended Divine Liturgy in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of St. Joseph the Betrothed.




On 22 September 2018, the UWC President met with the diplomatic corps of the Embassy of Ukraine in Kazakhstan, after which, together with the diplomats, a group of leaders and activists of the Ukrainian communities, he travelled to the village of Akmol where he visited the Museum-Memorial Complex in memory of Victims of Political Repressions and Totalitarianism “ALZHIR” and laid flowers in memory of the victims of Soviet terror.


In Astana, the UWC President was accompanied by Ambassador of Ukraine in Kazakhstan Ivan Kuleba, President of the Ukrainians of Kazakhstan Association Mykhailo Paripsa and President of the Vatra Association of Astana Taras Chernega.


“The Ukrainian World Congress recognizes the significant work of the Ukrainian community in Kazakhstan and counts on its continued close cooperation,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.




In the photo: At the Museum in memory of political repressions “KARLAG”, Dolinka From left to right: Fr. I. Svitovyi, Z. Krassivskaya, О. Golovchenko, E. Czolij and L. Buravko (sixth)


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