
UWC President Eugene Czolij concludes visit to Germany

#UWC news
October 28,2018 190

On 20-23 October 2018, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij fulfilled a visit to Munich and Berlin, Germany, to participate in events organized by UWC member organization Union of Ukrainian Organizations in Germany (UUOG), and to present to high-ranking German officials and representatives of civil society topical Ukrainian issues.   


On 20 October 2018 in Munich, Eugene Czolij participated in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the UUOG during which, on behalf of the UWC, he extended greetings to attendees, thanked the outgoing Board of the UUOG under the leadership of Lesya Shramko for its cooperation with the UWC, and called upon the UUOG for continued joint action in furthering Ukrainian interests, and served as Chair of the meeting. The UUOG AGM elected to the Board: Rostyslav Sukennyk (President), Andrij Kaprocki (First Vice President), Andrij Nesmasznyj (Second Vice President), Taras Fedoriv (Secretary) and Lesya Shramko (Treasurer). During the AGM, Eugene Czolij was presented a Certificate of Recognition for his support of the establishment of the UUOG and development of its activities.    

On 21 October 2018, the UWC President participated in a memorial service in the framework of the international action initiated by the UWC “Light a candle of remembrance” marking the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, which was held in the courtyard of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Apostle Andrey Pervozvannyi Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, and paid tribute to the fallen activists of EuroMaidan and defenders of Ukraine from Russian aggression by the memorial marker “Tree of Life”.

Immediately following, Eugene Czolij met with the Ukrainian community in the church hall during which he spoke about current events in Ukraine and priorities of the UWC, first and foremost related to the defence of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and its European and Euro-Atlantic integration.  


On 22-23 October 2018, in meetings with high-ranking German officials and representatives of civil society, the UWC President thanked Germany for its support of Ukraine in fighting Russian aggression, particularly in the Normandy format negotiations. He also focused attention on the illegal actions of the Russian Federation with which it disrupts marine traffic in the Sea of Azov and negatively impacts trade with Ukraine. In this context, Eugene Czolij noted the importance of strengthening the existing sanctions regime against the Russian Federation, and also underscored the need to deploy a UN peacekeeping mission to the Donbas. He also called for the continuation of the Normandy format  negotiations and increasing pressure on the Russian Federation to expeditiously de-occupy Crimea and end its aggression in Eastern Ukraine. On the violations of human rights by the Russian Federation, the UWC President highlighted the imperativeness of supporting the release of more than 70 Ukrainian political prisoners of the Kremlin and 100 hostages being held by occupying forces in Eastern Ukraine. In addition, the UWC President raised the issue of widespread disinformation and cyberattacks by the Russian Federation and in conjunction with this, called upon Germany to support minimizing the interference of the Russian Federation in the upcoming Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Ukraine. In addition, Eugene Czolij highlighted the progress of reforms in Ukraine and called to continue supporting the European and EuroAtlantic aspirations of Ukraine.  He also called to stop the North Stream 2 project which is convenient only for the Russian Federation that will add it to its hybrid arsenal, which already includes military aggression, cyberattacks, meddling in the democratic processes of independent countries and disinformation. The UWC President also highlighted the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-33 in Ukraine and called for Germany to recognize it as genocide of the Ukrainian people.

During his visit to Germany, the UWC President was accompanied by Director of the UWC Mission to International Organizations in Brussels Maryna Iaroshevych.  

“The Ukrainian World Congress calls upon Germany to continue its leading role in countering Russian aggression and help Ukraine to regain its territorial integrity, and ensure peace and stability in Ukraine and the world,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

List of individuals with whom the UWC President met:

Beck Marieluise, former member of the Bundestag, co-founder of the analytical centre “Zentrum Liberale Moderne”

Diedrichsen Jan, President of the Society for Threatened Peoples

Gartshore Geoff, Chargé d’affaires of Canada to Germany

Kaufmann Walter, Head of Eastern and South East Europe Department, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Lüttenberg Matthias, Head of Division 212 (Middle, Southeastern and Eastern Europe; Southern Caucasus, Central Asia) of the Federal Chancellery of Germany

Ohl Wolfgang, Brigadier General, Chief of Division Security Policy II, Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany

Pöttering Hans-Gert, Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, former President of the European Parliament

Prothmann Andreas, Ambassador, Special Envoy for Ukraine, Head of Ukraine Task Force at  the Federal Foreign Office of Germany

Ristau Axel, Captain (Navy), Branch Head of International Security Policy and Bilateral Relations at the Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany

Savitskaya Svetlana, Regional Advisor for Europe and Central Asia, Transparency International


In the photo from left: A. Prothmann and E. Czolij

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