
UWC President Eugene Czolij fulfills working visit to New Zealand

#UWC news
August 2,2017 225

On 30-31 July 2017, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij together with his spouse Anna fulfilled his first visit to Aukland and Wellington, New Zealand, to present current Ukrainian issues to its governing authorities and strengthen ties with the Ukrainian community.

In the framework of the visit the UWC President met with the Manager of the Europe Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Rob Taylor, and Member of Parliament, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Spokesperson for Global Affairs of the Green Party, Kennedy Graham. Eugene Czolij focused attention on the aggressor acts of the Russian Federation in Ukraine which also pose a serious threat for global peace and security, and called upon New Zealand to support Ukraine in the defence of its independence and territorial integrity. He also discussed the importance of New Zealand adopting the Autonomous Sanctions Bill and introducing sanctions against the Russian Federation, and to refrain from negotiations on a free trade zone with the Russian Federation until it stops blatantly violating its international commitments. The UWC President expressed gratitude to New Zealand for co-authoring the United Nations resolution on human rights violations in Crimea and on the defense of critical infrastructure from terrorist attacks. He also highlighted that, while countering the hybrid war of the Russian Federation, Ukraine is reforming, modernizing and combatting corruption, and encouraged support for its economic development. Eugene Czolij also called upon New Zealand to recognize the Holodomor of 1932-33 as genocide of the Ukrainian people.

In addition, the UWC President participated with his spouse in an event in the Parliament of New Zealand during which the local Ukrainian community presented an embroidered map of New Zealand to be displayed in Parliament.

Eugene Czolij spoke at community meetings in Auckland and Wellington organized by the Ukrainian Association of New Zealand under the leadership of Taras Klish and the Ukrainian Gromadaof Wellington under the leadership of Olga Vorobeyduring which he presented the priorities of the UWC, familiarized himself with the specifics of Ukrainian community life and called for cooperation with the UWC in furthering Ukrainian interests.

The UWC President also had a separate meeting with the President of the Ukrainian Association of New Zealand Taras Klish and the President of the Ukrainian Gromada of Wellington Olha Vorobey to discuss the possibility of UWC associated membership for their organizations and cooperation in creating an umbrella organization for Ukrainians in New Zealand.

During the meetings, the UWC President was accompanied by the President of the Ukrainian Association of New Zealand Taras Klish.  

“The trip to New Zealand helped me to better understand the community life of Ukrainians in New Zealand and to strengthen their ties with the Ukrainian World Congress,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.


In the photo from left: E. Czolij, R. Taylor and T. Klish 

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