The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) welcomes the approval of the ratification on 30 May 2017 of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement by the Senate of the Netherlands.
In a statement issued shortly after the vote, the President of the European Commission Jean‑Claude Juncker stated, “Today’s vote in the Dutch Senate sends an important signal from the Netherlands and the entire European Union to our Ukrainian friends: Ukraine’s place is in Europe. Ukraine’s future lies with Europe.”
The UWC actively promoted the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement as an important step in Ukraine’s full membership in the European Union.
“The Ukrainian World Congress is very pleased with the positive signal sent by the Dutch governing authorities to the Ukrainian people with the approval of the ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and calls for a swift finalization of the ratification process that will enable Ukraine to continue its integration with the European Union,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.