
Volodymyr Kogutyak on uniting Ukrainian communities in Germany

June 17,2024 423
Volodymyr Kogutyak on uniting Ukrainian communities in Germany

by Volodymyr Kogutyak, UWC Vice President for Western Europe and Vice President of the Association of Ukrainians in France

The Ukrainian diaspora in Germany is extraordinarily large and dynamic. Over the past two years, numerous organizations, both small and umbrella groups, have been actively established. Each of them performs tremendous work to support Ukraine in all possible directions.

Many of these organizations work on similar topics in different regions, sometimes leading to duplication of efforts and starting from scratch. Experience exchange is an important issue that needs to be addressed for effective work. A unified voice from the entire Ukrainian community is also necessary to solve global issues that concern all of Germany.

Creating effective communication between organizations for experience exchange and action coordination is important. We are starting this already this week. On June 13, the Ukrainian World Congress gathered not only umbrella organizations (Central Union of Ukrainians in Germany, Union of Ukrainian Organizations in Germany, Alliance, The German-Ukrainian Association “Blue-Yellow Cross”) not only youth organizations (Union of Ukrainian Student Organizations in Germany, Plast, Ukrainian Youth Association), but also large and dynamic associations like Community of Ukrainians in Thuringia and Vitsche.

The results of this cooperation will be visible in a few days, although the entire networking process will take significantly more time. Only together can we achieve great things to help Ukraine from Europe and win this war against Russia. Thank you to each organization and each representative for their tremendous work and desire to move together toward victory!

Your contribution is invaluable, and it is thanks to your dedication that we can achieve our common goal – a peaceful and successful Ukraine. Let us continue to work together, strengthening our ties and helping each other because only in unity is our strength!

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