
XI Ukrainian World Congress officially opened in Kyiv

#UWC news
November 26,2018 208

The XI Ukrainian World Congress (UWC Congress) was officially opened in Kyiv, Ukraine, on 25 November 2018 in the Olympic Courtyard at the Olympiyskyi Sport Complex with the participation of 248 delegates from 26 countries.

Distinguished guests and speakers of the Official Opening of the UWC Congress and Gala Banquet included President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin and others.

UWC President Eugene Czolij, in his address during the opening noted the following about his two terms in office (2008-2018), “During this period, the Ukrainian World Congress did everything possible to further the European and Euro-Atlantic course of Ukraine. This primarily included the signing and ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and providing Ukrainian citizens with a visa-free regime for Schengen-zone states. Ahead are new, important tasks, to ensure that Ukraine becomes a full member of the EU, and also obtains а NATO Membership Action Plan, followed by NATO membership. Together with the international community we should continue to act resolutely. Specifically, to force the Russian Federation to de-occupy Crimea, withdraw its forces from Eastern Ukraine and release all Ukrainian political prisoners and hostages. The Ukrainian World Congress will continue to work toward these goals until we jointly achieve victory, and we, without any doubt, will be victorious.”  

During 26-27 November 2018, the XI UWC Congress will assess the activities of the five-year term of the UWC, and develop a vision of the organization for the future. The key topics to be discussed include international support for Ukraine on issues related to economic development, defence, reforms and humanitarian aid, the role of the diaspora in furthering the positive image of Ukraine and Ukrainians around the world, furthering the consolidation of the global Ukrainian community, growing the UWC network of organizations, and strengthening the influence of Ukrainian communities for the resolution of issues of importance to Ukraine on the international level.

The official program of the XI UWC Congress is available at this link:



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