For a third week in a row, Ukrainian communities and friends of Ukraine around the world have held actions and rallies as part of the international #StandWithUkraine campaign. Many more events are scheduled for the coming week.
United States: #StandWithUkraine rallies and demonstrations continue to be held across the country.
San Fransisco, CA: On Sunday, February 20th at 1 PM, the Ukrainian community in San Francisco will host another rally at the San Francisco Ferry Building. A link to the Google map location can be here. Further information can be found here.
San Diego, CA: On Sunday, February 20th at 1:30 PM, the Ukrainian community in San Diego will host another rally at Balboa Park by the monument of Cid the Conquistador (south of Plaza de Panama fountain and near the San Diego Zoo). Organizers say it is easiest to arrive and park from the House of Ukraine side of the park and to allow yourself plenty of time for parking. Participants are encouraged to bring Ukrainian flags, wear Ukrainian embroidered shirts, and bring posters. Find more information here.
Atlanta, GA: On Saturday, February 12th from 12-1 PM, the Ukrainian community of Atlanta will host a rally at the CNN Center, outside of the main entrance on 190 Marietta St NW. Find more information here.
Boston, MA: On Sunday, February 20th, the Ukrainian community of Boston will host multiple events in support of Ukraine:
- 10:00 AM – A Memorial Service in honor of the Heavenly Hundred will be held after the Divine Liturgy at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church (24 Orchardhill Road, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130)
- 11:00 AM – A Memorial Service in honor of the Heavenly Hundred held at Christ the King Ukrainian Catholic Church (146 Forest Hills St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130)
- 1:00 PM – Ukrainian Motorcade starting at 146 Forest Hills St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
- 3:00 PM – A Candlelight Vigil will be held at the World War II Memorial at Back Bay Fens Park to honor the Heavenly Hundred and all the soldiers and civilians who have died in the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war in eastern Ukraine (100 Park Dr, Boston, MA 02215)
The organizers encourage participants to bring flags, symbols, and signs. Note that candles can be only LED and sound amplifiers are not allowed during the Candlelight Vigil at the World War II Memorial. Find more information here.
Washington, DC: On Sunday, February 20th, the Ukrainian community in Washington, DC will host multiple #StandWithUkraine events. The events are co-organized by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, United Help Ukraine, Ukrainian American Veterans, US Ukrainian Activists, Razom for Ukraine, House of Ukraine, Ukrainian Freedom Foundation, other Ukrainian-American organizations, and members of the Ukrainian diaspora. Find more information here.
- 2:00-3:00 PM EST – The Eighth Annual Commemoration and Candle Vigil for the Heavenly Hundred/Nebesna Sotnia will be held at the Lincoln Memorial to honor the fallen heroes of the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity in 2013-2014 and the 14,000 soldiers and civilians who have died in the eight-year ongoing Russian war in eastern Ukraine.
- 3:00-4:00 PM EST – A #StandWithUkraine Rally with speakers and performances will be held at the Lincoln Memorial.
- 4:00-5:00 PM EST – A Peaceful March from the Lincoln Memorial to the White House.
Organizers are calling on Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine from all nearby states to gather for this critical event. Find more information here.
Madrid, Spain: On Sunday, February 20th at 13:00, an action in support of Ukraine against Russian aggression and in honor of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred will be held Plaza de España in Madrid.
Paris, France: On Saturday, February 19th at 11:00, the Ukrainian community in Paris will host a commemoration for the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred at the Cathedral of St. Volodymyr the Great in Paris. After the service, His Excellency Vadym Omelchenko, Ambassador and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to France, and Taras Horiszny, President of the Representative Committee of the Ukrainian Community in France will speak, wreaths will be laid, and the Ukrainian national anthem will be sung. More information can be found here.
Berlin, Germany: On Sunday, February 13th at 15:00, Ukrainians in Berlin will host a rally at Brandenburger Tor to which organizers are encouraging participants to wear pots on their heads – yes pots! In 2014, during the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, to stop the protests, the government of Yanukovich adopted a law banning the wearing of protective helmets, and any other defensive equipment. In reponse, Ukrainians took to the streets wearing pots, buckets, and colanders to show the absurdity of the government’s actions.
Samsun, Turkey: On February 12th at 13:00, the Black Sea Association of Ukrainians will hold a peaceful action of gratitude to Turkey for supporting and recognizing the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The action will take place on the embankment of Samsun: Ömürevleri İskelesi’nde. The organizers are encouraging participants to bring Ukrainian flags and symbols. Find more information here.
Antalya, Turkey: On Sunday, February 12th at 12:00, the Ukrainian Family in Antalya will join the action to show gratitude to Turkey for supporting and recognizing the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The action will take place at Saat Kulesi, in the center of Antalya. Find more information here.
Past Events:
On February 6, 2022, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress held #StandWithUkraine rallies in 30 communities from coast to coast to coast in support of the Ukrainian people in their fight against Russia’s aggression. They called on the Government of Canada to provide Ukraine with defensive weapons immediately. More information about the rallies and next steps can be found here.
United States: #StandWithUkraine rallies were held across the country on February 5 & 6, 2022.
On February 6, 2022, demonstrations in support of Ukraine took place in several cities in California, attended by hundreds of Ukrainians. They expressed support for the Motherland in this time of threat of further invasion by Russia. Belarusians, Georgians, and Lithuanians joined the action. The action was featured on Voice of America.