
Holodomor and the Nation – Multigenerational Effects

#UWC news
November 16,2021 252
Holodomor and the Nation – Multigenerational Effects

On the eve of the 88th anniversary of the Holodomor in Ukraine (1932-33),  UWC invites you to a webinar with the participation of leading experts, historians, and scientists. On November 18, at 19:00 Kyiv time/ 12 pm Toronto, a webinar “Holodomor and the Nation – Multigenerational Effects ” will take place.

Key issues:

  • How has the Holodomor impacted the behaviors and norms of Ukrainians in Ukraine and in the diaspora?
  • What long-lasting psychological and physical follow-on effects have been noted in different generations (survivors and descendants)?
  • How has the Holodomor impacted the development of the Ukrainian nation?

Opening remarks:Stefan RomaniwChair, International Coordinating Committee for Holodomor Awareness and Recognition, Melbourne, AustraliaOlya SorokaChair, Global Holodomor Descendants’ Network, Chicago, USASpeakers:

Brent Bezo
Ph.D. candidate and instructor in psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Anton Drobovych
Chair, Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ivan Petrenko
Candidate of Sciences in History, deputy director of the Holodomor Research Institute

Director, National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide, Kyiv, Ukraine

Moderator:Kateryna YushchenkoAmbassador, Global Holodomor Descendants’ Network, Kyiv, Ukraine

To participate please register in advance here

Holodomor Descendants’ Network, an initiative of the Ukrainian World Congress International Coordinating Committee for Holodomor Awareness and Recognition, is organizing the webinar. Co-Sponsors: HDN USA, HDN CanadaThe webinar will take place on the Zoom platform with a broadcast on www.facebook.com/UkrainianWorldCongressWebinar language on Zoom:  English & Ukrainian, on Facebook – Ukrainian only.


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