
Powerful #EmbraceUkraine rallies in European capitals

June 13,2022 587
Powerful #EmbraceUkraine rallies in European capitals

BRUSSELS-PARIS-BERLIN-AMSTERDAM – Thousands of participants took part in mass street rallies on June 11 and 12 to express strong support for Ukraine’s EU aspirations. The day before, the World Congress of Ukrainians called on all Ukrainian Communities and friends of Ukraine in the European Union to join forces behind the #EmbraceUkraine campaign.  

In Brussels, where a summit of EU leaders will take place on June 23-24, 2022, participants of the #EmbraceUkraine demonstration formed a living chain near the building of the European Commission’s headquarters.  

In Amsterdam, more than five hundred members of the demonstration formed a living chain of unity between Ukraine and the EU, singing together, “Oh, in the meadow red viburnum.” Among those present in the square were Ukrainians, Dutch and resident expats. The organizers were joined at the podium by Ukrainian volunteers, activists, children and other supporters in solidarity with Ukraine. 


“We called on Europeans to open their hearts to Ukraine, we thanked them for their help and stressed that Ukraine and the EU will become stronger together. A  positive decision to grant candidate status will demonstrate the faith of EU leaders in Ukraine’s victory and inspire Ukrainians to rebuild our state,” said event organizers. 

In Berlin, three rallies in support of Ukraine’s European aspirations took place: two marches to give thanks and a bicycle race called “Fahrraddemo – Die Ukraine ist Symbol des Friedens.”

During the marches, Ukrainians thanked the hospitable Germans and gave flowers, souvenirs and sweets  to passers-by. “In two weeks we will know the EU’s answer, so we cannot sit idly by!”, emphasized the organizers.    

In Paris on Saturday June11, the blue and yellow crowd chanted, “We are Europeans!” Hundreds of people took to the Place de la République to support for Ukraine’s EU candidate status. Demonstrators marched with posters showing photos of children killed during the Russian war on Ukraine as the price the Ukrainian people are paying for their European values. 

On June 23-24, 2022, leaders of EU member states will gather for a summit in Brussels to discuss Ukraine’s application for EU candidate status. Granting of candidate status will be Ukraine’s first step towards full EU membership.  It will trigger formal membership negotiations including the adoption and implementation of the full range of EU laws and regulations. 

Ready to join the global #EmbraceUkraine campaign?  Read HERE 


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