
President Zelenskyy strengthens diplomatic ties in Latin America

December 11,2023 729
President Zelenskyy strengthens diplomatic ties in Latin America

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy paid a working visit to Argentina on the occasion of the inauguration of newly elected President Javier Milei. During his stay, Zelenskyy held meetings with Argentina’s leader and the Presidents of Paraguay, Uruguay, and Ecuador.

Zelenskyy and Paraguayan President Santiago Peña discussed ways to develop trade between the two countries. The President of Ukraine thanked Paraguay for its strong support of Ukraine within international organizations and also informed Peña about the progress in implementing the Ukrainian Peace Formula and the results of three meetings of advisers on national security and foreign policy.

We are extremely interested in involving Paraguay in the implementation of our Peace Formula,” noted the President of Ukraine. Zelenskyy expressed hope for the participation of as many Latin American countries as possible in the next advisers meeting in January 2024, and invited the President of Paraguay to visit Ukraine.

During the meeting between Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou, the discussion revolved around the potential organization of a Ukraine-Latin America summit. Zelenskyy also thanked Uruguay for its unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Highlighting Ukraine’s ongoing struggle against Russian forces and its concurrent efforts in implementing the Ukrainian peace framework, Zelenskyy underscored the critical role of this framework as a key political instrument in ending the conflict. He commended Uruguay’s representative for actively participating in the third meeting of advisers on national security and foreign policy regarding implementing the Peace Formula.

The President of Ukraine also invited Luis Lacalle Pou to visit Ukraine.

In their discussions, Zelenskyy invited the President of Ecuador to join in implementing the Ukrainian Peace Formula and attend the forthcoming meeting of advisers on national security and foreign policy in January 2024.

The leaders also discussed the challenges posed by destabilizing situations across various regions globally. Moreover, their talks explored prospects for enhancing bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and Ecuador, specifically focusing on security, digitalization, and agricultural trade.

“The support and strong united voice of Latin American countries that stand with the people of Ukraine in the war for our freedom and democracy is very important for us,” the President of Ukraine emphasized.

While en route to Argentina, the President of Ukraine met with the Prime Minister of Cabo Verde, Ulisses Correia e Silva, marking the inaugural meeting in the history of their bilateral relations. Zelenskyy invited the Prime Minister of Cabo Verde to participate in efforts to realize the Ukrainian Peace Formula. Their discussions encompassed the execution of specific elements within the Peace Formula, preparations for the upcoming fourth session involving advisors on security and foreign policy, and deliberations regarding the Global Peace Summit.

Ukraine’s President arrived in Argentina to partake in the December 11 inauguration of newly elected President Javier Milei. During their encounter, Zelenskyy expressed gratitude for the invitation and congratulated Milei on his inauguration. 

“During the war, finding time and flying halfway across the globe is difficult. But we heard you, your signals in the parliament, and your personal energy to support Ukraine, our people who are fighting against Russian aggression,” Zelenskyy said.

Ukraine and Argentina “can have a powerful joint future,” noted Zelenskyy. The Argentine people “extremely respect freedom, and this is exactly what Ukrainians are fighting for today.”

Zelenskyy and Milei also discussed the next steps in preparing the Ukraine-Latin America summit, which will open a new page in Ukraine’s relations with the region’s states.

Photos: Office of the President of Ukraine

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