25 December 2013
Ukrainian World Congress strongly condemns violent attacks o njournalist and EuroMaidan activist
The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) is shocked by the startling attacks on journalist Tetyana Chornovol and co-organizor of the peaceful EuroMaidan in Kharkiv Dmytro Pylypets that are deliberate attempts to scare or punish journalists and activists of antigovernment actions in Ukraine.
According to media reports, during the night of 24 December 2013 journalist Tetyana Chornovol was pursued and brutally attacked. Several hours earlier activist Dmytro Pylypets had also been attacked sustaining knife wounds.
“In conjunction with these troubling events the UWC calls upon Ukraine’s governing authorities to immediately conduct a transparent investigation and punish those who carried out and ordered these violent attacks,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij. “The UWC also calls upon governments worldwide to condemn these events in Ukraine that are so inconsistent with democratic principles.”