The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) welcomes the 9 December 2016 European Commission and European External Action Service Report on Ukraine setting out the state of play of Ukraine’s implementation of the Association Agenda since 1 January 2015, which acknowledges Ukraine for unprecedented reforms and measures to reduce corruption.
The report states unequivocally that:
In 2015 and 2016, Ukraine has undertaken intense and unprecedented reforms across a number of sectors of the economy and society, while its democratic institutions have been further revitalised. Ukraine is committed to the protection and promotion of common fundamental values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. […]
One of the key challenges facing Ukraine in its reform process is the introduction of sustainable changes to reduce opportunities for corruption and to ensure that corruption allegations are pursued in court. Ukraine has set up new anti-corruption institutions and adopted legislation on anti-corruption, which it is starting to implement. It is mainstreaming an innovative public procurement system (ProZorro) that has already in the pilot phase allowed savings of public funds. Ukraine has diminished the space for corruption through reforms of the banking and energy sector, including by bringing gas sector tariffs to import parity level. Constitutional amendments as well as new legislation on the judiciary have been adopted in order to strengthen judicial independence and to reorganise the court system, by streamlining the judicial instances (from four to three) and by subjecting the sitting judges to examinations and mandatory electronic asset declarations. A civil service law and a strategy on reforming the public administration, in line with European standards, are in place. A new National Police has been set up. Work is underway to improve public financial management and introduce greater transparency to the handling of privatisations. Last but not least, the launch of the electronic asset declarations of public officials resulted in the publication of over 100,000 detailed declarations.
The report also highlights the commitment of Ukrainian authorities to the reform agenda, guided by the EU‑Ukraine Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, and the Association Agenda, as well as the progress made with respect to consultation with a vibrant civil society and professional organizations in Ukraine. As a result, implementation across many areas of reform is well advanced.
“The Ukrainian World Congress welcomes the report of the European Commission and the European External Action Service as a positive signal for the continuance of the important reform process in Ukraine and the prompt completion of the full ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.